Retiring win 32bits jobs in the pipelines
Retiring win 32bits jobs in the pipelines
propagate time computation for windows to services
propagate time computation for windows to services
Do not lock model while destroying the monitor actor to avoid a deadl…
Do not lock model while destroying the monitor actor to avoid a deadl…
Do not lock model while destroying the network actor to avoid a deadl…
Do not lock model while destroying the network actor to avoid a deadl…
Use relative builds to instasll copyright path
Use relative builds to instasll copyright path
Upgrade nodejs binding with new description api
Upgrade nodejs binding with new description api
Pull request merge
C# binding update to enable descriptions for services, replies and ar…
C# binding update to enable descriptions for services, replies and ar…
Pull request merge
Change default rights to 0777 for IPC folder on unix systems
Change default rights to 0777 for IPC folder on unix systems
Pull request merge
After parsing a definition from a json file, the description of a rep…
After parsing a definition from a json file, the description of a rep…
Pull request merge
Fix compilation warnings
Fix compilation warnings
Pull request merge
Add descriptions for IO, Services, Service args, Replies and Reply args
Add descriptions for IO, Services, Service args, Replies and Reply args
Pull request merge
Update ssh-keyscan command in .deb builder job
Update ssh-keyscan command in .deb builder job
solve bad reference in service calls on local agents
solve bad reference in service calls on local agents
Add extra steps to build the python binding
Add extra steps to build the python binding
set definition update flag properly on IOA constraint, description or…
set definition update flag properly on IOA constraint, description or…
Merge branch 'main' of ssh://…
Merge branch 'main' of ssh://…
block package and class change when the agent is started
block package and class change when the agent is started
Fix freeze callback in the pytohn binding
Fix freeze callback in the pytohn binding
Merge branch 'unlock' into 'main'
Merge branch 'unlock' into 'main'