This is an example broker implementation that partially implements 7/MDP. Notably, the broker and workers do not send or listen to heartbeats.
To run this example, install the example project dependencies and run the
majordomo example script with pnpm
> pnpm install
> pnpm run majordomo
The example will start a broker and some workers, then do some requests. The output will be similar to this:
starting broker on tcp://
starting broker on tcp://
starting worker soda on tcp://
starting worker tea on tcp://
starting worker coffee on tcp://
starting worker tea on tcp://
---------- Started -----------
requesting 'cola' from 'soda'
requesting 'oolong' from 'tea'
requesting 'sencha' from 'tea'
requesting 'earl grey, with milk' from 'tea'
requesting 'jasmine' from 'tea'
requesting 'cappuccino' from 'coffee'
requesting 'latte, with soy milk' from 'coffee'
requesting 'espresso' from 'coffee'
requesting 'irish coffee' from 'coffee'
registered worker 00800041a7 for 'tea'
registered worker 00800041a8 for 'coffee'
registered worker 00800041a9 for 'tea'
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ab req -> 00800041a7
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ac req -> 00800041a9
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041af req -> 00800041a8
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041af <- rep 00800041a8
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041b0 req -> 00800041a8
received 'cappuccino' from 'coffee'
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ab <- rep 00800041a7
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ad req -> 00800041a7
received 'oolong' from 'tea'
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041b0 <- rep 00800041a8
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041b1 req -> 00800041a8
received 'latte, with soy milk' from 'coffee'
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041b1 <- rep 00800041a8
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041b2 req -> 00800041a8
received 'espresso' from 'coffee'
registered worker 00800041b3 for 'soda'
dispatching 'soda' 00800041aa req -> 00800041b3
dispatching 'soda' 00800041aa <- rep 00800041b3
received 'cola' from 'soda'
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ac <- rep 00800041a9
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ae req -> 00800041a9
received 'sencha' from 'tea'
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ae <- rep 00800041a9
received 'jasmine' from 'tea'
dispatching 'coffee' 00800041b2 <- rep 00800041a8
received 'irish coffee' from 'coffee'
dispatching 'tea' 00800041ad <- rep 00800041a7
received 'earl grey, with milk' from 'tea'
---------- Stopping -----------