- New York, NY
dotslash_fixtures Public
Temporary repo to put DotSlash fixtures while the real repo is setup
Batchfile UpdatedApr 1, 2024 -
duplicate-tab Public
Chrome extension to duplicate the current tab
v8-compile-cache Public
Require hook for automatic V8 compile cache persistence
eslint-plugin-dependencies Public
require/import dependency validation
Silently swallow ESLint issues in files with @generated
is_proc_translated Public
Detect if the current process is running as a translated binary under Rosetta
htmlescape Public
Properly escape JSON for usage as an object literal inside of a `<script>` tag
beautify-with-words Public
Beautifies javascript and replaces variable names with unique "long-ish words"
eslint-plugin-flow-vars Public
Solves the problem of false positives with `no-undef` and `no-unused-vars` when using babel-eslint
Enforce that async functions use await
jstify Public
Browserify transform for pre-compiled Underscore and Lo-Dash templates (with HTML minification)
A Babel transform that turns imports into lazily loaded commonjs requires
Silently swallow ESLint issues in files with @generated or @nolint
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
eslint-plugin-lint Public
Load arbitrary ESLint rules into a single namespace
hide-tree-view-icons Public
Hides the folder and file icons in Atom's Tree View and Nuclide's File Tree.
CSS MIT License UpdatedFeb 16, 2018 -
git GUI for macOS. Current development focus is on removing legacy git command line usage in favour of libgit2 and objective-git.
eslint-plugin-prettify Public archive
Prettier as an ESLint plugin
async-to-generator Public
Babel's asyncToGenerator helper as a standalone package