The following public project hosted on github violates several copyrights, two of them my own:
NGUI: https://github.com/dolbster/psychic-octo-tyrion/tree/master/Kingdoms/Assets/NGUI
TNet: https://github.com/dolbster/psychic-octo-tyrion/tree/master/Kingdoms/Assets/TNet
The products are available for sale on the Unity Asset Store as well as directly, here: http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=140 http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=4518
You can see the copyright clearly in all the source files and the readmes: https://github.com/dolbster/psychic-octo-tyrion/blob/master/Kingdoms/Assets/NGUI/ReadMe%20-%202.2.3.txt https://github.com/dolbster/psychic-octo-tyrion/blob/master/Kingdoms/Assets/TNet/ReadMe%20-%201.7.0.txt
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
[private] Tasharen Entertainment [private]