This repository lists "awesome" projects written in Zig, maintained by ZigCC community.
The word "awesome" does not signify stability; instead, it might suggest something is somewhat old-fashioned or lacking novelty. Hence, exercise caution.
If you find a well-maintained library that is not yet included here, welcome to submit it via a pull request. Just be sure to execute make all
before open PR.
- Learning Resources
- Tools
- Data Structure and Algorithm
- String Processing
- File format processing
- Logging Processing
- Audio Processing
- Image and Video Processing
- Date, Time and Timezones
- Command Line and Argument Parser
- Memory Allocator and Management
- Asynchronous Runtime
- Multithreading
- Embedded Development
- General Operating System
- Robot Operating System
- Compilers and Interpreters
- FFI Bindings
- GPU Computing
- Scientific Computation
- Machine Learning
- Database
- Sensor and Communication Interface
- Finite State Machine
- Game Field
- Emulators
- Encryption
- Network
- Web Framework
- Web3 Framework
- WebAssembly
- Performance Benchmark
- Graphics Library
- Misc
TOC is generated by markdown-toc.
- Zig Language Reference : Zig Language Reference.
- Zig In-depth Overview : Zig In-depth Overview.
- Zig Guide : Get started with the Zig programming language.
- Zig cookbook : A collection of simple Zig programs that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks.
- Zig in 30 minutes : A half-hour to learn Zig.
- Ziglings : Learn the Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
- Awesome zig wiki: Other interesting materials about Zig.
- Learning Zig : This guide aims to make you comfortable with Zig. It assumes prior programming experience, though not in any particular language.
- Zig 圣经 : 简单、快速地学习 Zig.
- FalsePattern/ZigBrains : JetBrains IDEs (CLion, IntelliJ IDEA and others) plugin for Zig
- isaachier/ztags : ctags implementation for Zig written in Zig.
- jinzhongjia/znvim : neovim remote rpc client implementation with Zig.
- Tetralux/sublime-zig : My own, more lightweight, syntax highlighting for the Zig Programming Language.
- ziglang/sublime-zig-language : Zig language support for Sublime Text.
- ziglang/vscode-zig : Zig language support for VSCode.
- ziglang/zig.vim : Vim configuration for Zig.
- ziglang/zig-mode : Zig mode for Emacs.
- zigtools/zls : The @ziglang language server for all your Zig editor tooling needs, from autocomplete to goto-def!
- jinzhongjia/zig-lamp : Improve the Zig development experience in Neovim.
- nektro/ziglint : linting suite for Zig
- kristoff-it/zig-doctest : A tool for testing snippets of code, useful for websites and books that talk about Zig.
- zigcc/asdf-zig : zig plugin for asdf version manager.
- marler8997/zigup : Download and manage zig compilers.
- zigtools/zpm : Zig package manager helper.
- goto-bus-stop/setup-zig : Setup Zig for GitHub Action Workflows.
- korandoru/setup-zig : Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Zig.
- jsomedon/night.zig : Simple tool that just install & update zig nightly.
- matklad/hello-getzig : getzig is an idea for a zig version manager along the lines of gradle wrapper.
- mitchellh/zig-overlay : Nix flake for the Zig compiler.
- Cloudef/zig2nix : Flake for packaging, building and running Zig projects.
- Cloudef/nix-zig-stdenv : Zig based cross-compiling toolchain.
- joachimschmidt557/zigpkgs : A collection of zig packages built with Nix.
- nektro/zigmod : 📦 A package manager for the Zig programming language.
- mattnite/gyro : A Zig package manager with an index, build runner, and build dependencies.
- vezel-dev/zig-sdk : An MSBuild SDK for building Zig, C, and C++ projects using the Zig compiler.
- tristanisham/zvm : lets you easily install/upgrade between different versions of Zig. ZLS install can be included.
- BrookJeynes/jido : Jido (formerly known as zte) is a small terminal file explorer, written in Zig.
- fearedbliss/Honeydew : A simple snapshot cleaner for OpenZFS written in Zig.
- fearedbliss/Cantaloupe : A simple backup replication tool for OpenZFS written in Zig.
- Arnau478/hevi : A minimalistic and modernized hex viewer, written in Zig.
- gaskam/workspace : A powerful Zig-based tool to manage all your GitHub repositories with ease.
- kubkon/bold : bold is a drop-in replacement for Apple’s system linker
- hello-algo-zig : Zig programming language codes for the famous public project 《Hello, Algorithm》|《 Hello,算法 》 about data structures and algorithms.
- TheAlgorithms/Zig : Collection of Algorithms implemented in Zig.
- ramsyana/Zig-Math-Algorithms : A collection of math algorithms in Zig—primes, Fibonacci, GCD, Euler's Totient, & more! Perfect for learning Zig & math.
- alichraghi/zort : Zort: Sorting algorithms in zig.
- Srekel/zig-sparse-set : 🎡 zig-sparse-set 🎡. Sparse sets for zig, supporting both SOA and AOS style.
- mitchellh/zig-graph : Directed graph data structure for Zig.
- ok-ryoko/multiring.zig : Singly linked, cyclic and hierarchical abstract data type in Zig.
- jakubgiesler/VecZig : Vector implementation in Zig.
- JacobCrabill/btree.zig : Behavior Tree library written in Zig.
- DutchGhost/ArrayVec : A library with an ArrayList-like API, except its a static array.
- emekoi/deque.zig : a lock free chase-lev deque for zig.
- kristoff-it/zig-cuckoofilter : Production-ready Cuckoo Filters for any C ABI compatible target.
- BarabasGitHub/LZig4 : Implementing lz4 in zig.
- marijnfs/zigtimsort : TimSort implementation for Zig.
- Sahnvour/zig-containers : A set of containers for Zig.
- booniepepper/zig-data-structures : Home to some experiments in Zig data structures.
- deckarep/ziglang-set : A generic and general purpose Set implementation for the Zig language.
- yamafaktory/hypergraphz : HypergraphZ - A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig.
- JakubSzark/zig-string : Zig String (A UTF-8 String Library). This library is a UTF-8 compatible string library for the Zig programming language.
- jecolon/zigstr : Zigstr is a UTF-8 string type for Zig programs.
- ziglibs/string-searching : String(not limited to []const u8)-searching algorithms in zig.
- hwu1001/zig-string : A String struct made for Zig.
- ziglibs/known-folders Provides access to well-known folders across several operating systems.
- tiehuis/zig-regex : A regex implementation for the zig programming language.
- getty-zig/getty : Getty is a framework for building robust, optimal, and reusable (de)serializers in Zig.
- jecolon/ziglyph : Unicode text processing for the Zig programming language.
- kubkon/zig-yaml : YAML parser for Zig.
- nektro/zig-json : A JSON library for inspecting arbitrary values.
- getty-zig/json : Getty JSON is a (de)serialization library for the JSON data format.
- MahBestBro/regex : A single file regex library written in and for Zig.
- karlseguin/log.zig : A structured logger for Zig.
- mattyhall/tomlz : A well-tested TOML parsing library for Zig.
- mitchellh/zig-libxml2 : libxml2 built using Zig build system.
- travisstaloch/protobuf-zig : A protocol buffers implementation in zig.
- sam701/zig-toml : Zig TOML (v1.0.0) parser.
- ziglibs/tres : ValueTree-based JSON parser.
- ziglibs/s2s : A zig binary serialization format.
- Arwalk/zig-protobuf : a protobuf 3 implementation for zig.
- aeronavery/zig-toml : A TOML parser written in Zig.
- goto-bus-stop/ziguid : GUID parsing/stringifying with zig.
- ducdetronquito/hppy : The happy HTML parser ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ.
- kivikakk/libpcre.zig : Zig bindings to libpcre.
- kivikakk/koino : CommonMark + GFM compatible Markdown parser and renderer.
- m-r-hunt/tjp : Typed JSON Parser.
- tiehuis/zig-ryu : Zig port of
- vi/zigmkv : [wip] Matroska/webm (mkv) parser in Zig.
- winksaville/zig-parse-number : Implement ParseNumber which can parse any TypeId.Int or TypeId.Float.
- demizer/markzig : Pure Zig Markdown Parser.
- thejoshwolfe/hexdump-zip : produce an annotated hexdump of a zipfile.
- javiorfo/prettizy : Zig library to prettify JSON and XML strings.
- javiorfo/zig-epub : Minimal Zig library for creating EPUB files.
- emekoi/log.zig : a thread-safe logging library for zig.
- g41797/syslog : syslog RFC5424 client library.
- orhun/linuxwave : Generate music from the entropy of Linux 🐧🎵.
- hexops/mach-sysaudio : cross-platform low-level audio IO in Zig.
- Hejsil/zig-midi : zig-midi.
- zigimg/zigimg : Zig library for reading and writing different image formats.
- ryoppippi/zigcv : opencv bindings for zig.
- kassane/libvlc-zig : Zig bindings for libVLC media framework.
- marler8997/image-viewer : An image-viewer experiment written in Zig.
- bfactory-ai/zignal : Image processing library in Zig, heavily inspired by dlib .
- scento/zig-date : 🕒 time and date for Zig. zig-date is a date and time library for the Zig, inspired by the popular Rust library chrono.
- frmdstryr/zig-datetime : A datetime module for Zig with an api similar to python's Arrow.
- nektro/zig-time : A date and time parsing and formatting library for Zig.
- travisstaloch/date-zig : fast calendar algorithms ported to Zig (Cassio Neri's EAF).
- leroycep/chrono-zig : Zig port of the Rust chrono crate.
- karlseguin/zul : some date/time handling functionality among the other functionality.
- clickingbuttons/datetime : Generic Date, Time, and DateTime library.
- leroycep/zig-tzif : TZif parser that also handles POSIX timezone strings
- FObersteiner/zdt : Timezoned Datetime in Zig. For learning purposes.
- rockorager/zeit : Generic date/time library, including time zone loading and conversion.
- deatil/zig-time : A date and time parse and format library for Zig.
- Hejsil/zig-clap : A simple and easy to use command line argument parser library for Zig.
- MasterQ32/zig-args : Simple-to-use argument parser with struct-based config.
- jiacai2050/zigcli : A toolkit for building command lines programs in Zig.
- PrajwalCH/yazap : 🔧 The ultimate Zig library for seamless command line parsing. Effortlessly handles options, subcommands, and custom arguments with ease.
- 00JCIV00/cova : Commands, Options, Values, Arguments. A simple yet robust cross-platform command line argument parsing library for Zig.
- BanchouBoo/accord : A simple argument parser for Zig.
- judofyr/parg : Lightweight argument parser for Zig.
- sam701/zig-cli : A simple package for building command line apps in Zig.
- GabrieleInvernizzi/zig-prompter : A flexible library for building interactive command line prompts.
- Aandreba/zigrc : Zig reference-counted pointers inspired by Rust's Rc and Arc.
- DutchGhost/zorrow : Borrowchecker in Zig. This is a userlevel implementation of borrowchk in Zig.
- mdsteele/ziegfried : A general-purpose memory allocator for Zig.
- fengb/zee_alloc : tiny Zig allocator primarily targeting WebAssembly.
- suirad/Seal : An allocator that wraps another allocator and detects if memory is leaked after usage.
- rvcas/mpool : A memory pool library written in Zig.
- nsmryan/zig_sealed_and_compact : Zig functions for memory management.
- suirad/adma : A general purpose, multithreaded capable slab allocator for Zig.
- hmusgrave/zcirc : A dynamic circular buffer allocator for zig.
- dweiller/zig-composable-allocators : Comptime-generic composable allocators.
- bcrist/Zig-TempAllocator : Arena allocator for interactive programs and simulations.
- rdunnington/zig-stable-array : Address-stable array with a max size that allocates directly from virtual memory.
- dweiller/zimalloc : zimalloc is general purpose allocator for Zig, inspired by mimalloc.
- Hejsil/zig-gc :A super simple mark-and-sweep garbage collector written in Zig.
- mitchellh/libxev : libxev is a cross-platform, high-performance event loop that provides abstractions for non-blocking IO, timers, events, and more and works on Linux (io_uring or epoll), macOS (kqueue), and Wasm + WASI. Available as both a Zig and C API.
- kprotty/zap : An asynchronous runtime with a focus on performance and resource efficiency.
- lithdew/pike : Async I/O for Zig.
- g41797/mailbox : mailbox is convenient inter-thread communication mechanizm.
- ZigEmbeddedGroup/microzig : Unified abstraction layer and HAL for several microcontrollers.
- ZigEmbeddedGroup/stmicro-stm32 : HAL for stm32 (STMicro) devices.
- ZigEmbeddedGroup/raspberrypi-rp2040 : MicroZig Hardware Support Package for Raspberry Pi RP2040.
- ZigEmbeddedGroup/regz : Generate zig code from ATDF or SVD files for microcontrollers.
- nmeum/zig-riscv-embedded : Experimental Zig-based CoAP node for the HiFive1 RISC-V board.
- lupyuen/pinephone-nuttx : Apache NuttX RTOS for PinePhone. Apache NuttX is a lightweight Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) that runs on PINE64 PinePhone.
- lupyuen/zig-bl602-nuttx : Zig on RISC-V BL602 with Apache NuttX RTOS and LoRaWAN.
- leecannon/zig-sbi : Zig wrapper around the RISC-V SBI specification.
- eastonman/zesty-core : A RISC-V OS written in Zig.
- kivikakk/daintree : ARMv8-A/RISC-V kernel (with UEFI bootloader). An operating system plus a UEFI bootloader, all written in Zig.
- markfirmware/zig-bare-metal-microbit : Bare metal microbit program written in zig.
- markfirmware/zig-bare-metal-raspberry-pi : Bare metal raspberry pi program written in zig.
- tralamazza/embedded_zig : minimal Zig embedded ARM example (STM32F103 blue pill).
- yvt/zig-armv8m-test : Example Zig-based app for Armv8-M + TrustZone.
- hspak/brightnessztl : A CLI to control device backlight.
- justinbalexander/svd2zig : Convert System View Description (svd) files to Zig headers for baremetal development.
- mqttiotstuff/iotmonitor : PainLess, Monitor and State server for iot mqtt devices, and software agents. This daemon permit to maintain the execution of constellations of mqtt devices and associated agents.
- Elara6331/zig-gpio: A Zig library for controlling GPIO lines on Linux systems.
- ringtailsoftware/zeptolibc : Essential libc functions in Zig for freestanding targets
- ZystemOS/Pluto : An x86 kernel written in Zig.
- davidgm94/birth : Rise: an attempt to write a better operating system.
- iguessthislldo/georgios : Hobby Operating System.
- rafaelbreno/zig-os : A simple OS written in Zig following Philipp Oppermann's posts Writing an OS in Rust.
- jzck/kernel-zig : 💾 hobby x86 kernel zig.
- andrewrk/HellOS : "hello world" x86 kernel example.
- marlersoft/zigwin32 : A complete autogenerated set of Zig bindings for the Win32 API.
- a1393323447/zcore-os : A RISC-V OS written in Zig. rCore-OS translated in Zig language.
- b0bleet/zvisor : Zvisor is an open-source hypervisor written in the Zig programming language, which provides a modern and efficient approach to systems programming.
- TalonFloof/zorroOS : Hobby operating system written in Zig.
- CascadeOS/CascadeOS : General purpose operating system targeting standard desktops and laptops.
- AndreaOrru/zen : Experimental operating system written in Zig.
- DorianXGH/Lukarnel : A microkernel in zig with rust microservices.
- liampwll/zig-efi-os : zig-efi-os.
- nrdmn/uefi-examples UEFI examples in Zig.
- nrdmn/uefi-paint : UEFI-bootable touch paint app.
- sjdh02/trOS : tiny aarch64 baremetal OS thingy.
- ZeeBoppityZagZiggity/ZBZZ.OS : An operating system built with RISCV and Zig.
- pbui-project/pbui-main : The PBUI (POSIX-compliant BSD/Linux Userland Implementation) project is a a free and open source project intended to implement some standard library toolsets in the Zig programming language.
- momumi/x86-zig : library for assembling x86 in zig (WIP).
- javiorfo/zig-syslinfo : Linux sysinfo Zig library.
- jacobperron/rclzig : ROS 2 client library in Zig.
- luickk/MinimalRoboticsPlatform : MRP is a minimal microkernel that supports the most fundamental robotic domains. It's thought for highly integrated robotics development.
- Aro : Aro. A C compiler with the goal of providing fast compilation and low memory usage with good diagnostics.
- buzz: A small/lightweight statically typed scripting language.
- fubark/cyber : Fast and concurrent scripting.
- squeek502/zua : An implementation of Lua 5.1 in Zig, for learning purposes.
- Vexu/bog : Small, strongly typed, embeddable language.
- fury : Fury, a gradual, safe systems language.
- natecraddock/ziglua : Zig bindings for the Lua C API.
- sackosoft/zig-luajit : Zig bindings for the LuaJIT C API.
- mitchellh/zig-objc : Objective-C runtime bindings for Zig (Zig calling ObjC).
- fulcrum-so/ziggy-pydust : A toolkit for building Python extensions in Zig.
- katafrakt/zig-ruby : This repo contains an experiment of building a Ruby extension with Zig programming language. It implements a slightly altered version of 100 doors from Rosetta Code.
- ExpidusOS/zig-flutter : Flutter w/ Zig.
- lassade/c2z : C++ to Zig bindings and transpiler.
- floooh/sokol-zig : Zig bindings for the sokol headers
- jiacai2050/zig-curl : Zig bindings for libcurl
- jiacai2050/zig-rocksdb : Zig bindings for RocksDB.
- jiacai2050/zig-jemalloc : Zig allocator baked by jemalloc
- arshidkv12/zig-php : Write PHP extension in Zig
- libz: zlib with the build system replaced by zig
- libmp3lame: libmp3lame with the build system replaced by zig
- libvorbis: libvorbis with the build system replaced by zig
- libogg: libogg with the build system replaced by zig
- nasm: nasm with the build system replaced by zig
- ffmpeg: ffmpeg with the build system replaced by zig
- libebur128: libebur128 with the build system replaced by zig
- pulseaudio: pulseaudio with the build system replaced by zig
- libchromaprint: chromaprint with the build system replaced by zig
- raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
- openssl: TLS/SSL and crypto library (uses Zig Build)
- wolfssl: WolfSSL library - Using Zig Build
- fmt: A modern formatting library (uses zig build-system)
- boost unordered: unordered module (uses zig build)
- boost async: Coroutines for C++20 & asio (uses zig build for testing)
- json: JSON for Modern C++ (uses zig build-system)
- context:
library using zig build - fiber: userland threads uses zig build
- outcome: Provides very lightweight outcome<T> and result<T> (non-Boost edition) (uses zig build-system)
- Standalone: Asio standalone C++ HTTP/S Server (uses zig build-system)
- asio: Asio C++ Library (uses zig build-system)
- observable: : Unique-ownership smart pointers with observable lifetime.
- Catch2: A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch) - uses zig build-system
- cppfront: Build Cppfront w/ zig build
- hana: Your standard library for metaprogramming
- intrusive: intrusive module
- range: Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for C++20's std::ranges
- zig-libxml2: libxml2 built using Zig build system
- benchmark: A microbenchmark support library First post at here.
- libffi: libffi with a Zig build script.
- gwenzek/cudaz : Toy Cuda wrapper for Zig.
- lennyerik/cutransform : CUDA kernels in any language supported by LLVM.
- Snektron/vulkan-zig : Vulkan binding generator for Zig.
- hexops/mach-gpu : mach/gpu provides a truly cross-platform graphics API for Zig (desktop, mobile, and web) with unified low-level graphics & compute backed by Vulkan, Metal, D3D12, and OpenGL (as a best-effort fallback.)
- hexops/mach-gpu-dawn : Google's Dawn WebGPU implementation, cross-compiled with Zig into a single static library.
- ckrowland/simulations : GPU accelerated visual simulations.
- Avokadoen/zig_vulkan : Voxel ray tracing using Vulkan compute.
- akhildevelops/cudaz : Cuda wrapper for interacting with GPUs in zig.
- e253/zig-ocl : Static Zig Build of the OpenCL ICD Loader from Khronos Group.
- kooparse/zalgebra : Linear algebra library for games and real-time graphics.
- ziglibs/zlm : Zig linear mathemathics.
- omaraaa/VecFns : Automatic Vector Math Functions In Zig.
- Laremere/alg : Algebra for Zig.
- BanchouBoo/algae : Zig math library focused on game development.
- JungerBoyo/zmath : simple linear algebra library written in zig.
- pblischak/zprob : A Zig Library for Probability Distributions.
- ggml : Tensor library for machine learning. Written in C.
- ggml-zig : ggml: Tensor library for machine learning written in zig.
- rockcarry/ffcnn : ffcnn is a cnn neural network inference framework, written in 600 lines C language.
- xboot/libonnx : A lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support.
- kraiskil/onnx2c : Open Neural Network Exchange to C compiler. Onnx2c is a ONNX to C compiler. It will read an ONNX file, and generate C code to be included in your project. Onnx2c's target is "Tiny ML", meaning running the inference on microcontrollers.
- candrewlee14/zgml : Tensor library for machine learning, inspired by ggml.
- maihd/zten : Tensor library for Zig, based on ggml.
- andrewCodeDev/ZEIN : Zig-based implementation of tensors.
- recursiveGecko/onnxruntime.zig : Experimental Zig wrapper for ONNX Runtime with examples (Silero VAD, NSNet2).
- Gonzih/onnx-worker.zig : onnx-worker.zig
- zml : zml is a machine learning framework
- Zigrad : A deep learning framework built on an autograd engine with high level abstractions and low level control. Trains neural networks 2.5x faster than Pytorch on Apple Silicon and 1.5x faster on CPU.
- SilasMarvin/dnns from scratch in zig : a very simple implementation of deep neural networks written in the Zig programming language.
- ollama-zig : Ollama Zig library.
- llama.cpp : Inference of LLaMA model in pure C/C++.
- cgbur/llama2.zig : Inference Llama 2 in one file of pure Zig.
- clebert/llama2.zig : Inference Llama 2 in pure Zig.
- renerocksai/gpt4all.zig : ZIG build for a terminal-based chat client for an assistant-style large language model with ~800k GPT-3.5-Turbo Generations based on LLaMa.
- EugenHotaj/zig_gpt2 : Neural Network Inference Engine in Zig. GPT2 inference engine written in Zig. The inference engine can run NanoGPT.
- tigerbeetle : The distributed financial accounting database designed for mission critical safety and performance.
- vrischmann/zig-sqlite : zig-sqlite is a small wrapper around sqlite's C API, making it easier to use with Zig.
- leroycep/sqlite-zig : This repository has zig bindings for sqlite. It trys to make the sqlite c API more ziggish.
- nDimensional/zig-sqlite : Simple, low-level, explicitly-typed SQLite bindings for Zig.
- mjoerussell/zdb : A library for interacting with databases in Zig.
- kristoff-it/redis-cuckoofilter : Hashing-function agnostic Cuckoo filters for Redis.
- kristoff-it/zig-okredis : Zero-allocation Client for Redis 6+.
- vrischmann/zig-cassandra : Client for Cassandra 2.1+
- speed2exe/myzql : MySQL and MariaDB driver in native Zig
- karlseguin/pg.zig : Native PostgreSQL driver / client for Zig
- karlseguin/zuckdb.zig : A DuckDB driver for Zig
- MasterQ32/zig-network : A smallest-common-subset of socket functions for crossplatform networking, TCP & UDP.
- ZigEmbeddedGroup/serial : Serial port configuration library for Zig.
- tetsu-koba/v4l2capture : v4l2 video capturer written in Zig.
- kdchambers/reel : Screen capture software for Linux / Wayland.
- ringtailsoftware/commy : Serial terminal monitor for Linux, Mac and Windows
- cryptocode/zigfsm : zigfsm is a finite state machine library for Zig.
- Mach : Mach is a game engine & graphics toolkit for the future.
- zig-gamedev/zig-gamedev : Building game development ecosystem for @ziglang!
- ryupold/zecsi : Small game framework made with Zig utilizing the awesome raylib.
- wendigojaeger/ZigGBA : Work in progress SDK for creating Game Boy Advance games using Zig programming language.
- zPSP-Dev/Zig-PSP : A project to bring the Zig Programming Language to the Sony PlayStation Portable!
- prime31/zig-gamekit : Companion repo for zig-renderkit for making 2D games.
- Jack-Ji/jok : A minimal 2d/3d game framework for zig.
- star-tek-mb/Paradise : Paradise is a wasm first game engine written in zig.
- zkburke/quanta : A game engine/framework written in and for zig.
- andrewrk/tetris : A simple tetris clone written in zig programming language.
- DanB91/Zig-Playdate-Template : Starter code for a Playdate program written in Zig.
- foxnne/aftersun : Top-down 2D RPG.
- 4imothy/termy48 : A 2048 game to run in terminal.
- andrewrk/clashos multiplayer arcade game for bare metal Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
- MasterQ32/Ziguana-Game-System A retro-style gaming console running on bare x86 metal written in Zig.
- Srekel/zag : Game dev project written in Zig and C.
- TM35-Metronome/metronome : A set of tools for modifying and randomizing Pokémon games.
- Akuli/curses-minesweeper : Minesweeper game written in curses with zig.
- thejoshwolfe/legend-of-swarkland : Turn-based action fantasy puzzle game inspired by NetHack and Crypt of the Necrodancer.
- emekoi/ziglet : a small zig game library.
- kristianhasselknippe/zig-game-engine : Learning zig through game engine
- TM35-Metronome/tm35-nds : A library for working with Nintendo DS roms.
- fabioarnold/snake-zig : A simple snake game written in the Zig programming language using OpenGL 2.
- Stenodyon/blink : A game about building logic with lasers.
- tiehuis/zstack : Line-race tetris mode in Zig.
- godot-zig/godot-zig : Zig bindings for Godot 4.
- Avokadoen/ecez : An archetype based ECS library written in pure zig.
- nitanmarcel/ScriptHookVZig : Library to write GTA V mods in Zig.
- PixelGuys/Cubyz : Voxel sandbox game with a large render distance, procedurally generated content and some cool graphical effects.
- deckarep/dungeon-rush : An SDL snake style game ported to Zig. Originally written in C.
- ringtailsoftware/zigtris : Zigtris, a terminal tetris
- ringtailsoftware/zoridor : Zoridor, a Quoridor game for terminal and web with a machine opponent
- ringtailsoftware/zero-jetpack : Zero-Jetpack a web game about Ziguanas carrying eggs
- Ronsor/riscv-zig : A RISC-V emulator written in Zig.
- leecannon/zriscv : RISC-V emulator in Zig.
- jtgoen/zig-chip-8 : Zig Implementation of a Chip-8 Emulator.
- paoda/zba : Game Boy Advance Emulator. Yes, I'm awful with project names.
- fengb/fundude Gameboy emulator: Zig -> wasm.
- GrooveStomp/chip8-zig : A CHIP-8 emulator written in Zig.
- isaachier/gbemu : Zig Game Boy emulator.
- tiehuis/zig-gameboy : A gameboy emulator in zig.
- emekoi/c8 : chip 8 emulator in zig.
- ringtailsoftware/zig-minirv32 : Zig RISC-V emulator with Linux and baremetal examples
- gernest/base32 : base32 encoding/decoding for ziglang
- deatil/zpem : A pem parse and encode library for Zig.
- deatil/zig-md2 : A MD2 hash function library for Zig.
- deatil/zig-md4 : A MD4 hash function library for Zig.
- deatil/zig-sm3 : A SM3 hash function library for Zig.
- Vexu/routez : Http server for Zig.
- Vexu/zuri : URI parser for Zig.
- karlseguin/http.zig : An HTTP/1.1 server for zig.
- ducdetronquito/h11 : I/O-free HTTP/1.1 implementation inspired by hyper/h11.
- lun-4/zigdig : naive dns client library in zig.
- connectFree/ZigZag : Noise Framework implementation in Zig Language for use in EVER/IP and WireGuard.
- euantorano/ip.zig : A Zig library for working with IP Addresses.
- lun-4/ziget : simple wget in zig without libc.
- marler8997/netpunch : Punch Protocol.
- mstroecker/zig-robotstxt : Lightweight docker image for serving a disallow robots.txt file using the zig programming language.
- remeh/statsd-zig : Basic DogStatsD UDP/UDS server supporting gauges and counters and sending these metrics to Datadog.
- gernest/url : This is RFC 3986 compliant url parser for zig.
- ringtailsoftware/misshod : Experimental minimalist SSH client and server in zig
- g41797/beanstalkz : Thread-safe client library for beanstalkd - queue for background job processing.
- oven-sh/bun : Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler and package manager – all in one.
- zigzap/zap : ⚡zap⚡ - blazingly fast web backends in zig.
- frmdstryr/zhp : frmdstryr/zhp.
- karlseguin/websocket.zig : A websocket implementation for zig.
- nikneym/ws : WebSocket library for Zig ⚡
- kivikakk/htmlentities.zig : HTML entity data for Zig.
- shritesh/zigfmt-web : zig fmt on the web.
- leroycep/zig-jwt : JSON Web Tokens for Zig.
- zon-dev/zinc : Zinc is a web framework written in pure Zig with a focus on high performance, usability, security, and extensibility.
- jetzig-framework/jetzig : Jetzig is a web framework written in Zig.
- by-nir/aws-lambda-zig : Super-fast AWS Lambda runtime for Zig.
- deatil/zig-totp : A TOTP(Time-based One-Time Password) library for zig.
- deatil/zig-jwt : A JWT(JSON Web Token) library for zig.
- Syndica/sig : a Solana Zig RPC Client implementation.
- lithdew/rheia : A blockchain written in Zig.
- jsign/verkle-crypto : Cryptography for Ethereum Verkle Trees.
- Ultra-Code/recblock : Blockchain for a record management and money transfer system.
- keep-starknet-strange/ziggy-starkdust : A Zig implementation of Cairo VM for Cairo, the STARK powered provable language.
- zig-wasi : Minimal WASI Interpreter.
- zware : Zig WebAssembly Runtime Engine. zware is a library for executing WebAssembly embedded in Zig programs.
- wazm : wazm — Web Assembly Zig Machine.
- zig-wasm-dom : Zig + WebAssembly + JS + DOM.
- mitchellh/zig-js : Access the JS host environment from Zig compiled to WebAssembly.
- zigwasm/wasm-zig : Common Wasm runtime binding to C API.
- zigwasm/wasmtime-zig : Zig embedding of Wasmtime.
- sleibrock/zigtoys : All about Zig + WASM and seeing what we can do.
- andrewrk/lua-in-the-browser : using zig to build lua for webassembly.
- meheleventyone/zig-wasm-test : A minimal Web Assembly example using Zig's build system.
- : Modular, extensible API bridge and infrastructure for hybrid JS & WebAssembly projects.
- oltdaniel/zig-js-interplay : Seamless integration of Zig and JavaScript in WebAssembly.
- ringtailsoftware/zig-wasm-audio-framebuffer : Examples of integrating Zig and Wasm (and C) for audio and graphics on the web (including DOOM)
- zackradisic/rust-vs-zig : This is an experiment to evaluate Rust vs. Zig by writing a bytecode interpreter with GC in both languages and comparing them.
- lucascompython/zigXrustXc : Performance of Zig vs Rust vs C.
- CoalNova/BasicCompare : A basic comparitive analysis of C, C++, Rust, and Zig.
- ziglang/gotta-go-fast : Performance Tracking for Zig.
- hendriknielaender/zBench : Simple benchmarking library.
- hexops/mach-glfw : Ziggified GLFW bindings with 100% API coverage, zero-fuss installation, cross compilation, and more.
- ziglibs/zgl : Zig OpenGL Wrapper.
- MasterQ32/SDL.zig : A shallow wrapper around SDL that provides object API and error handling.
- andrewrk/SDL : SDL with the build system replaced by Zig.
- MasterQ32/zig-opengl : OpenGL binding generator based on the opengl registry.
- MasterQ32/zero-graphics : Application framework based on OpenGL ES 2.0. Runs on desktop machines, Android phones and the web.
- JonSnowbd/ZT : A zig based Imgui Application framework.
- craftlinks/zig_learn_opengl : Follow the Learn-OpenGL book using Zig.
- ashpil/moonshine : Moonshine: A general purpose ray traced renderer built with Zig + Vulkan.
- fabioarnold/nanovg-zig : NanoVG - Zig Version. A small anti-aliased hardware-accelerated vector graphics library.
- fubark/cosmic : A platform for computing and creating applications.
- renerocksai/slides : This project is both a case study and also marks my first steps in the programming language Zig, towards creating a simple but powerful imgui based, OpenGL-rendered slideshow app in Zig.
- TinyVG/sdk : TinyVG software development kit.
- andrewrk/zig-vulkan-triangle : simple triangle displayed using vulkan, glfw, and zig.
- cshenton/learnopengl : Zig Learn OpenGL.
- ifreund/river : A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor.
- Nelarius/weekend-raytracer-zig : A Zig implementation of the "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" book.
- SpexGuy/Zig-Gltf-Display : A program that displays glTF files using Vulkan, written in Zig.
- tiehuis/zig-raytrace : simple raytracer in zig.
- tiehuis/zig-sdl2 : SDL2 bindings for Zig.
- winksaville/zig-3d-soft-engine : An attempt to create a 3D engine in software using zig.
- Capy : 💻Build one codebase and get native UI on Windows, Linux and Web.
- david-vanderson/dvui : Easy to Integrate Immediate Mode GUI for Zig.
- kassane/qml_zig : QML bindings for the Zig programming language.
- MoAlyousef/zfltk : Zig bindings for the FLTK gui library.
- Aransentin/ZWL : A Zig Windowing Library.
- batiati/IUPforZig : IUP (Portable User Interface Toolkit) bindings for the Zig language.
- donpdonp/zootdeck : Fediverse GTK Desktop Reader.
- lupyuen/zig-lvgl-nuttx : Zig LVGL Touchscreen App on Apache NuttX RTOS.
- lupyuen/pinephone-lvgl-zig : LVGL for PinePhone (and WebAssembly) with Zig and Apache NuttX RTOS.
- ziglibs/positron : A web renderer frontend for zig applications.
- webui-dev/zig-webui : Use any web browser or WebView as GUI, with your preferred language in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend, all in a lightweight portable lib.
- star-tek-mb/zig-tray : Create tray applications with zig.
- BraedonWooding/Lazy-Zig : Linq in Zig.
- DutchGhost/maybeuninit MaybeUninit in Zig.
- hspak/geteltorito-zig : geteltorito re-write in Zig.
- NilsIrl/dockerc: container image to single executable compiler.
- nrdmn/ilo_license_key : iLO license key library.
- shepherdjerred/macos-cross-compiler : Compile binaries for macOS on Linux.
- tw4452852/zbpf : Writing eBPF in Zig
- rockorager/zzdoc : scdoc-compatible manpage compiler for use in build.zig
- rockorager/libvaxis : Modern TUI library written in zig
- Avokadoen/ecez_vulkan : A scene editor built on ecez and Vulkan
- attron/astroz : Spacecraft and Astronomical Toolkit
- Zigistry/Zigistry: A place where you can find all the libraries that suit your Zig lang needs.
- freref/fancy-cat: PDF reader inside the terminal.
- ghostty: Modern terminal emulator written in zig.