🥦 Currently writing code for @sheepesports & @mygp
🥬 I am currently a Junior Full-stack Developer, with a strong interest in devOps & UX/UI.
🥒 2024년에 인하대학교 다닐거에요, 그래서 요즘 한국어 배우고 있어요
Sheep Esports - 10,000
users per 30m // 600,000+
total users.
Created the full website by myself for the current leading esports media in Europe. Leading SEO / Advertisement Implementation / Traffic from all around the world.
AriesVODs - 1,000+
total users.
A website that tracks all streams for korean players (AfreecaTV, Twitch, Youtube) and sends notifications to users when live. (ReactJS / Twitch & AfreecaTV APIs)
A website to showcase LCK players for a korean agency called Turning Point Agency.