- Created roll tables as a hub for rolling oracles and linked to their source pages for reference.
- Restructured Asset from headings to callouts so that each has a heading and ability 1-3 section that can be linked into a character sheet
- Initial work on defining which moves are applicable to ambiguous assets
- Fixed various typos and formatting errors throughout.
- Completed import of core rules, campaign creation, denizens, and oracle sections
- Created meta data templates for Asset abilities. The contents of the meta-data are not yet populated'
- Graphs from the guide book were reimagined as Dolphin diagrams, where possible
- Refactored the index page and created back links in the headers so that all pages flow from Index to the branch.
- Dataview queries added to newly added sections as sub menu sections.
- Fixed various typos and formatting errors throughout.
High Level
- Added dataview tables to the Moves and Asset pages
- Added previous parent page as link in H1 and H2 page titles
- Complete Asset summary pages (custom summaries)
- Polish to Moves and Asset sections. Typos, formatting and layout adjustments.
- Created "Aspect" and "Gameplay Role" categories to help categorize Moves and Assets.
- First pass on import of gameplay guidelines
[!example]- Detailed
- Added dataview queries to Move pages for related assets and related moves
- Added missing or adjusted front-matter to moves pages
- Added alias fields to the Summary and Index pages- Refactored front-matter for "Type" and "Category" to "PageType" and "PageCategory"
- Added following front-mater fields to Moves pages
- InlineCmd - Forged-In-Obsidian inline command shortcut
- RollType - Type of roll that is being made (Action, Progress, Oracle, None)
- RollStat - Stat(s) used for RollType = Action
- ProgressTrack - The Track to be used for RollType = Progress
- RollPreReq - Key with true value that is required to make an Action roll
- RollTable - Target table to roll for Oracle RollTypes
- Properties -> GameplayRole
- Added dataview queries to Moves and Asset pages
- Revised Moves summary pages.
- Added Asset Moves summary, with unique dataview lookup
- Add parent page as link in H1 and link to summary in H3 (minimal bread crumbs)
- Completed Asset summary pages
- Added Gameplay folder and subsequent pages
- Getting Started
- The Basics | Tone and Setting | Materials for Play | Principals of Play | Navigating the Forge | The Flow of Play (summary)
- Fundamental
- Player Characters | Moves | Action Roll | Momentum | Tracks | Condition Meters | Impacts | Assets | Equipment | Vehicles | NPCs | Oracles |
- Optional
- Clocks
Initial import and layout for
- Moves
- Assets