cl-form is a presentation-agnostic utility meant to simplify the process of validating web form parameters, transforming the strings received into more useful Lisp values, and reporting errors, as well as providing values that web forms can be repopulated with.
(defun always-error (value)
(check-field nil "No matter what VALUE is, this will error.")
(defun as-integer (value &aux *read-eval*)
(check-field (every #'digit-char-p value) "~A is not a valid integer." value)
;; Validators must return the final, intended field value.
(parse-integer value))
(defun field-length (value &key min-length max-length)
(when min-length
(check-field (>= (length value) min-length) "Field must be at least ~A characters long." min-length))
(when max-length
(check-field (<= (length value) max-length) "Field must be ~A characters long or shorter." max-length))
(deform test-form ()
((:whatever #'field-length :min-length 1)
(:error-field 'always-error)
(:int-field 'as-integer)
((:my-list list) (lambda (val)
(mapcar #'as-integer val)))
((:my-array array) (lambda (val)
(remove nil val)))))
(let ((form (make-form 'test-form '(("whatever" . "a")
("error-field" . "b")
("int-field" . "42")
("my-array[5]" . "5")
("my-array[0]" . "0")
("my-list" . "1")
("my-list" . "2")))))
(assert (and (form-valid-p form)
(string= "a" (field-value form :whatever))
(null (field-value form :error-field))
(eql 42 (field-value form :int-field))
(equal '(1 2) (field-value form :my-list))
(equalp #("0" "5") (field-value form :my-array)))))
Defining a form is a two-step process:
- Define validator functions. These functions should use
as assertions, and return a possibly-transformed value to be used as the field-value. - Write a
form that associates field names with these validators.
[function] check-field test error-format &rest error-format-orgs
Used like an assertion. If TEST is NIL, validation will exit at this point (not evaluating
subsequent forms in the validator function). ERROR-FORMAT and ERROR-FORMAT-ARGS will then be used
to generate an error message to be returned by field-error
[macro] deform name nil field-definitions
The syntax for FIELD-DEFINITIONS is: (field-name validator-function &rest validator-args)
VALIDATOR-FUNCTION can be any function that receives one argument (which will be the 'raw' value
for the field -- in most cases a plain string). This function should return a validater, processed
value to be returned by field-value
Additionally, VALIDATOR-ARGS can be provided to each individual field. These will be applied, after the raw field value, to the validator function. To clarify, (:field-name #'list 1 2 3) will result in ( 1 2 3) being returned by the 'validator'.
FIELD-NAME can be either a symbol (which names the field), or a literal list containing a symbol
and one of the symbols LIST
If the second item in FIELD-NAME is the symbol LIST
, then all items in the binding alist
provided to make-form
that share this field's name will be collected into a list, which will
become the raw value of the field. This list is also what the validator for this field will
receive, instead of a simple string.
If the second item in FIELD-NAME is the symbol ARRAY
, then the binding alist will be searched
for keys matching "<field-name>[<integer>]"
, and an array will be created containing those items
at the provided indices. The array will be as long as the maximum <integer>
value + 1. Any
missing indices before this maximum item will be NIL. As with LIST
fields, the array itself will
be the raw-value of the field, and that array will be passed to the validator function.
[special variable] *form*
When a validator function is called, this variable is bound to the current form object. At this
point, the form object's raw values are already populated, and are accessible through
. Both field-error
and field-value
will return NIL for all fields.
In order to actually use defined
[function] make-form name &optional binding-alist
Creates an instance of a form named by NAME. If BINDING-ALIST is provided, the form object's fields are immediately populated and all validators are called.
The keys in BINDING-ALIST are bound case-insensitively according to the symbolic field names
defined in the form's deform
If no BINDING-ALIST is provided, the form is considered 'unbound. field-value
, and field-error
can still be called, but will always return NIL. This can be
useful for rendering functions that use form objects.
[function] form-valid-p form
Returns NIL if any of the form's validators fail, or if the form is unbound.
[function] form-errors form
For bound forms, returns an alist of (field-name-symbol . "Error Message")
if any fields failed
[function] field-raw-value form field-name
For bound forms, returns the 'raw' value for a field. For non-list non-array fields, this will always be a string bound according to the field's name, or NIL. For list and array fields, this will be a list and an array of strings, respectively. Missing values for array fields will be populated with NIL.
[function] field-value form field-name
For bound forms, returns the validated, possibly transformed value for this field. The specific value returned by this will be the value returned by the field's validator function.
[function] field-error form field-name
Returns NIL if the field successfully validated, or a string containing an error message if validation for the field failed.