- stolen Chochenyo Ohlone land
- 7h behind - https://zkat.tech
- @zkat@toot.cat
- @zkat.tech
- Pro
A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs,…
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
A toolkit to automate & enhance your workflow
📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
Multiple file upload plugin with image previews, drag and drop, progress bars. S3 and Azure support, image scaling, form support, chunking, resume, pause, and tons of other features.
Reduce misspelled email addresses in your web apps.
Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.
🦝 📦 a package registry for anything, but mostly javascript 🦝 🦝 🦝
⚡ Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in.
Render your Backbone.js apps on the client and the server, using Node.js.
Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia.
Form framework for BackboneJS with nested forms, editable lists and validation
Finally, an easily stylable semantic HTML data grid widget with a Javascript API that doesn't suck.
📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
Test tech job posts for issues with sexism, culture, expectations, and recruiter fails.
Persona is a secure, distributed, and easy to use identification system.
A small library for generalized transformation of data (inspired by Clojure's transducers)
Script to find fattest cat currently up for adoption at SF SPCA
Native pattern matching for JavaScript
Display the elapsed execution time of grunt tasks
Instant webpage. Just add creativity. A mashup of HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap
A node module to get your node module started