- Serbia , Nis
- https://maximumroulette.com
- in/3dprogramer
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/1513187/nikola-lukic
vuletube Public
Starter project for vue in combination with typescript. Getting response for youtube search. Call server part for saving videos. Use videos in three.js 3d port view. Control vuletube site with hand…
React vs Typescript starter project. Used also webpack. [WIP]
visualjs Public
Now `visual-js` can be used from npm i visual-js also MatrixEngneGUI Editor is here.
safir Public
Lightweight JavaScript framework based on Template Literals vs CustomEvents features. Virtual DOM basic structure.
matrix-engine-gui Public
Matrix-Engine-GUI Editor is windows desktop application. WIP
matrix-engine Public
webGL2 implementation (opengles2/3). ClassObject scene draw orientend framework based on crazzy fast glmatrix engine. ECMA 6 JS Project in base. Obj loader, raycast, BVH animation etc.
visual-ts-game-engine Public
Typescript project based on matter.ts, used webpack, GamePlay based on canvas2D. Multiplayer real time for platformer gameplay. Video chat webRTC supported by kurento OV server signalling. RocketCr…
matrix-engine-starter Public
Test matrix-engine usage with npm service. Install with `npm i matrix-engine`. Also templates for slot , roulette with physics, anatomy and FPShooter example.
visual-ts-examples Public
Visual TS Game engine access from node module (npm service) Video chat , multiplayer with physics, platformer , 2d map creator GUI py etc.
multi-touch-canvas-handler Public
Easy catch mutli touchs with addEventListener. You can get at any time x or y position for 10 fingers in canvas 2d surface or any other DOM element. I implement button - detect when you finger get …
magic-three Public
Using power of Three.js and Ammo.js .Class oriented , script type module. No build no extra time spend needed. Networking with webRTC/Node.js signaling server. First person shooter Multiplayer solu…
zlatnaspirala Public template
webgl based on opengles1.1 , engine glmatrix0.9 (crazy fast) works on mobile devices , included first person controler
cross-k Public
Visual App-Game Engine Tool CrossK based on kivy 2.0 Scene editor , Assets editor , Package . Don't panic don't react.
maximumroulette-com Public
maximumroulette.com is PWA site with javascript demos ( 3d slot , webRTC + webGL video chat etc. ) vanilla js manir, created by Nikola Lukic.
rocket-crafting-server-py Public
RCS-Py-SOCK [Python vs mongoDB] is session account stuff (register/login) supported with websocket. Adapted for RocketCraftingServer DB shema.
artificial-intelligence Public
Write as you speak and read as it is written. — Vuk Stefanović Karadžić
OpenChatKit Public
Forked from togethercomputer/OpenChatKitTest open source AI bot
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2024 -
opencv-starter Public
Implement opencv for web platform. Make it like a npm package at the end (module). Easy implementation like submodules.
matrix-engine-wgpu Public
webGpu powered pwa application. Crazy fast rendering solution. Scene object based.
nui-commander Public
I will use motion detect on video stream to create and control UI Menu system with progress bar control, actions-events, popup or creating dom element or canvas staff. Interface must be drawn on v…
JavaScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 24, 2024 -
GLSL-Shaders Public
Build shaders from zero. Prefered webGL2/opengles300
matrix-engine-plugins Public
First feature is 2d plane vertex text typo exported from blender.
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJan 28, 2024 -
nidza Public
2d canvas engine - Scene Object oriented . Auto update scene system. No animationframe loop no draw recalls.
wizard-service Public
This is special part of project Wizard Remote Control it is stream signaling server , XY emiter server , client part.
bvh-loader Public
Original python code project npybvh cloned from `https://github.com/dabeschte/npybvh` Objective of this project is rewriting to the js ecma6 JS.
awesome-tunneling Public
Forked from anderspitman/awesome-tunnelingList of ngrok alternatives and other ngrok-like tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting.
1 UpdatedApr 12, 2022