Defer or lazy load images
npm install --save lazy-image-component
import { LazyImage } from 'lazy-image-component';
export default {
components: { LazyImage }
Examples of using LazyImage in a Vue component, which also documents the different options provided:
<!-- `src` and `alt` are required props -->
<LazyImage src="./images/foo.png" alt="An image of foo" />
<!-- Provide low resolution tumbnail image (64x64 is enough) -->
<LazyImage src="./images/foo.png" thumbnail="./images/foo.png" />
<!-- Page Header Image. VERY IMPORTANT -->
<LazyImage src="./images/foo.png" critical />
<!-- Important image but outside of initial view. (Good for low memory devices) -->
<LazyImage src="./image/foo.png" eager />
<!-- Resize placeholder image to correct size. And silent warning logs 😛 -->
<LazyImage src="./image/foo.png" width="360px" height="200px" />
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lazy-image-component © Rahul Kadyan, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rahul Kadyan with help from contributors (list). · GitHub @Rahul Kadyan · Twitter @znck0