This library was created to solve the problem of taking a data model from a datasource and needing to remove, add, merge, or translate the data model to a similar or completely different object.
There are similar libraries in other languages (DataMapper, DTO(C#), etc). I could never find a solution that allowed me to quickly and easily utilize a couple of different approaches: projection, translation, and merging.
Installation is simple, use npm to install. Right now, this is a node targeted project. If I find a good reason to use it on the browser i'll possibly browserify it.
npm install dto --save
Thats it!
There are two simple ways to project (like a SQL SELECT statement) or simplify an object. I found myself deleting the properties on the object, or using libraries such as lodash to restrict the output. I decided to use Lazy.js for performance reasons.
Given an array of property names, the resulting object will only contain the supplied properties.
let Dto = require('dto');
let model = { name: { first: 'Tyler', last: 'Garlick'}, age: 33, gender: 'Male'};
let result = Dto.take.only(model, ['age', 'gender']);
// result = { age: 33, gender: 'Male' }
Given an array of property names, the resulting object will remove any properties supplied.
let Dto = require('dto');
let model = { name: { first: 'Tyler', last: 'Garlick'}, age: 33, gender: 'Male'};
let result = Dto.take.without(model, ['name']);
// result = { age: 33, gender: 'Male' }