Kõnele is an Android app that offers speech-to-text services to other apps. It contains the following main components:
- RecognizerIntent activity
- Voice keyboard that implements the input method editor (IME) API
- SpeechRecognizer implementation that uses https://github.com/alumae/kaldi-gstreamer-server
- SpeechRecognizer implementation that uses https://github.com/alumae/ruby-pocketsphinx-server
The main goals of this project is to offer support for Estonian speech recognition on the Android platform, as well as grammar-based speech recognition for voice command applications.
For more information see http://kaljurand.github.io/K6nele/.
Point to the SDK directory by setting the environment variable
, e.g.
Then run
gradle build
gradle lint
gradle installRelease
gradle ...
For the listing of more Gradle tasks, run:
gradle tasks
If you have access to the release keystore then
point to its location by setting the environment variable
to the key alias -
create the file
containing the lines:storePassword=<password1> keyPassword=<password2>
Version tags are set by e.g.
git tag -a v1.1.02 -m 'version 1.1.02'
The last number should be even.
The client for https://github.com/alumae/kaldi-gstreamer-server was originally based on https://github.com/truongdq54/kaldi-gstreamer-android-client.