Releases: KRTirtho/spotube
Releases Β· KRTirtho/spotube
- Fixes the empty home screen and "Something went wrong" bug
Bug Fixes
- invalid access token exception #2525
Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.0.2
NOTICE: If login isn't working after installing the app, logout and login.
- Fixed authentication Error 400 or 429 status due to Spotify API change
- Fixed system navigation bar on top of bottom navigation
Bug Fixes
- android: navigation overlaying in app navigation
- add to playlist not working in smaller screen devices
- language picker search broken
- generate_playlist: create playlist not adding tracks nor navigating to playlist page
- desktop: double titlebar in local library folders and massive space in overlay player
- lastfm form broken in other locales #2447
- spotify login broken due to new totp requirement #2494
- spotify authentication 429 errors
- local_library: add support for x-flac, opus and x-wav
- translation: add tagalog language support #2504
- translation: add tamil translation for spotube #2501
New Contributors
- @JusArthur made their first contribution in #2504
- @vishnumur777 made their first contribution in #2501
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1
- Revamped UI from Material V3 to Shadcn design system
- More intuitive user interface
- Performant, responsive and adaptive design
- Better visuals, feedbacks and OLED friendly (pure black) color palette
- Alternative YouTube engine support
- yt-dlp for desktop platforms
- NewPipe for Android
- Android: Home screen widget support
- Fixed music skipping, buffering or not playing at all
- Custom editable Piped and Invidious instance support
Bug Fixes
- SafeArea for global bottom items not working
- SafeArea not working for bottom floating widgets
- youtube video unplayable issue and use more ytClients
- ios: downloads not working due to permission errors (#2180)
- remove automaticallyImplyLeading from root tabs
- android: back button not working and safe area issues
- duplicates in recent section
- youtube source taking too long to buffer
- youtube tracks keeps skipping despite being matched correctly
- follow artist not working #2057
- youtube_explode_dart failing for many videos due to youtube ios client visitor data change
- piped api not working
- android: home widget support (#2148)
- rewrite entire app in shadcn-ui replacing material eww
- grid/list customizable playbutton view
- flag to hide spotify generated images with patterns
- show placeholder images where there is no item or on empty page
- pause playback when no internet connection
- implement yt-dlp for desktop and NewPipeExtractor for Android (#2316)
- custom piped & invidious instance support
What's Changed
- fix(ios): downloads not working due to permission errors by @malikmiran in #2180
New Contributors
- @malikmiran made their first contribution in #2180
Full Changelog: v3.9.0...v4.0.0
- New Invidious source addition
- Track caching with export support
Bug Fixes
- UI glitch when loading more user artists and albums
- selecting an Alternative Track Source removes the current song from the queue #2039
- mobile: ensure audio session is activated when playback is resumed after interruption #2092
- add invidious audio source and fix auto skipping tracks (#2005)
- track caching and cached track export support (#2117)
Full Changelog: v3.8.3...v3.9.0
Bug Fixes
- update youtube_explode_dart to 2.2.3 to fix no playback (#1980)
- macos: enable same window webview support
What's Changed
- Update youtube_explode_dart to 2.2.3 by @XaviFortes in #1980
New Contributors
- @XaviFortes made their first contribution in #1980
Full Changelog: v3.8.2...v3.8.3
- Fixed no playback from the app due to recent change in YouTube API
What's Changed
- Update youtube_explode_dart dependency version (fixes endless loading issue) by @sunryze-git in #1925
New Contributors
- @sunryze-git made their first contribution in #1925
Full Changelog: v3.8.1...v3.8.2
- Lyrics support for anonymous users
- Login error in Getting started page fixed
- Android: Queue doesn't persist after quitting & restarting the app
- Touch support for desktop
- Error dialog if webview is not found on login
Bug Fixes
- translations: correct some basque incorrect translations (#1815)
- lyrics: LRCLIB lyrics should be usable without logging in #1803
- playlist displaying descriptions unescaped html #1784
- android: pressing back while the player is open doesn't take to previous page
- handle dublicated items in playback queue correctly #1852
- desktop: scrollbar overlapping with more options of tracks and playlists
- discord: stop discord rpc from try update presence when not connected
- stats: minutes page shows plays and streams page shows minutes which should be the opposite #1880
- android: clears queue upon swiping away notification
- player: shuffle button state resets after closing page #1657
- getting started page login page exception #1800
- mobile: queue doesn't persist
- local tracks takes time to load
- start radio not working #1629
- desktop: show error dialog if webview is not found on login #1871
- manually detect and define touch behavior #1763
What's Changed
- webview user agent typo by @sonu36437 in #1807
- Update winget-releaser to latest by @vedantmgoyal9 in #1840
- correct some basque strings by @josuigoa in #1815
- docs: add small logo image in inno setup installer by @fuegans4213 in #1795
New Contributors
- @sonu36437 made their first contribution in #1807
- @fuegans4213 made their first contribution in #1795
Full Changelog: v3.8.0...v3.8.1
- Webview based login on Desktop (special thanks to @SantiiRepair)
- Discord RPC support for MacOS and Linux arm64
- Fixed Linux tray icon not visible
- translations: make state page's hard coded strings translatable (#1719)
- discord: add listening activity type
- discord: album art, playing time and play pause support (#1765)
- linux: Use XDG_STATE_HOME to storage logs (#1675)
- discord rpc for macOS, windows-arm64 and linux-arm64 (#1713)
- desktop: implement webview based login
- stats: add lazy loading support
Bug Fixes
- translations: fix Russian translations (#1696)
- ios: permission exception
- linux: tray icon wrong name for flatpak
- windows: app crashes when no internet
- windows: local tracks plays but disabled playback controls
- go to track album shows up for local tracks
- local track metadata timeout
- windows: window stretching #1553
- android: app getting killed from background
- linux: OS Media control not working for Flatpak #1627
- incorrect datatype used for MPRIS position property #1521
- Too many artists for a track causing overflows
- playlist share button does not work #1639
- unescape html escape values #1300
- lyrics page doesn't scroll to top after song ends #885
- changed source doesn't get saved and uses the wrong once again
- null exception in album page navigated from /home
- popup menu item opacity
- linux: change app id in flatpak environment
Outside Contributions
- feat(linux): Use XDG_STATE_HOME to storage logs by @arenekosreal in #1675
- Improve Discord RPC by @nexpid in #1765
- fix(l10n): fix russian tranlsations by @marat2509 in #1696
- Make some hard coded strings translatable by @josuigoa in #1719
New Contributors
- @arenekosreal made their first contribution in #1675
- @nexpid made their first contribution in #1765
- @marat2509 made their first contribution in #1696
Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.8.0
- App crashing in Linux fixed
- Windows distorted window on startup fix
Bug Fixes
- alternative sources not showing up for SongLink matched results (37d002d)
- android: Media Controls not working above Android 14 #1561 (3394c1b)
- browse anonymously button takes to wrong route (73c5b30)
- desktop: titlebar drag to move not working (5f280a1)
- desktop: window is not centered (47f98b9)
- ios: download not working #1575 (6591ec0)
- linux: application window not visible after launch (8fc44ed)
- local track not showing up in queue (d82261c)
- use weak match for Jiosaavn fallback to improve matching (6cb2986)
- windows: media controls not showing up #1542 (d7d864f)
- windows: revert Flutter version to 3.19.6 to avoid distortion #1553 (982cf0b)
What's Changed
- fix(updater): dead link by @GhoulBoii in #1408
- fix: windows SSL Certificate error breaking login #905 by @KRTirtho in #1474
- refactor: Dart based Github Workflow CLI by @KRTirtho in #1490
- added Basque translation by @josuigoa in #1493
- Add georgian language by @osopromadze in #1450
- Added Finnish translations by @ctih1 in #1449
- Add Indonesia translation by @yusriltakeuchi in #1426
- Improve tr locales by @mikropsoft in #1419
- Add volume level tooltip to volume_slider by @iAkashPattnaik in #1445
- Feature: Local music library by @bleonard252 in #1479
- feat: personalized stats based on local music history by @KRTirtho in #1522
New Contributors
- @GhoulBoii made their first contribution in #1408
- @josuigoa made their first contribution in #1493
- @osopromadze made their first contribution in #1450
- @ctih1 made their first contribution in #1449
- @yusriltakeuchi made their first contribution in #1426
- @iAkashPattnaik made their first contribution in #1445
- @bleonard252 made their first contribution in #1479
Full Changelog: v3.7.0...v3.7.1
- Local Library folder support
- Personalized Stats based on local playback
- Improved playback experience
- local library folder cards (fc5bfa0)
- Local music library (#1479) (22caa81)
- personalized stats based on local music history (#1522) (82307bc)
- play initially available tracks of playlist/album immediately and fetch rest in background #670 (02acbd9)
- player: add volume slider floating label showing percentage (#1445) (8fad225), closes #1310 #1311 #1082 #1171 #1082 #1082
- translations: add Basque translation (#1493) (dbc1c45)
- translations: add Finnish translations (#1449) (edc997e), closes #1310 #1311 #1082 #1171 #1082 #1082
- translations: add georgian language (#1450) (1e7f0e1)
- translations: add Indonesian translation (#1426) (0280654), closes #1310 #1311 #1082 #1171 #1082 #1082
- translations: Improve tr locales (#1419) (bf45681), closes #1310 #1311 #1082 #1171 #1082 #1082
- upgrade to Flutter 3.22.0 (71341ec)
Bug Fixes
- fallback to LRCLIB when lyrics line less than 6 lines #1461 (9aea354)
- linux: tray icon not showing #541 (7ac7917)
- local track not showing up in queue (d82261c)
- macos: Logs directory not created by default #1353 (4ca8939)
- playback: skipping tracks with unplayable sources instead of falling back #1492 (c607a33)
- search: load more button not working #1417 (7e07c2e)
- some text are garbled in different parts of the app #1463 #1505 (d2683c5)
- spotify friends and user profile icon (mobile) showing when not authenticated #1410 (9bccbc9)
- updater: dead link (#1408) (6907f9c), closes #1310 #1311 #1082 #1171 #1082 #1082
- windows SSL Certificate error breaking login #905 (#1474) (937a706), closes #1468
- windows: installer tries to install in current directory (c3c9fc5)
Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.7.0