Kõnele is an Android app that offers speech-to-text services to other apps. Its main components are:
- a voice search panel (i.e. a RecognizerIntent activity)
- two implementations of SpeechRecognizer, backed by two open source speech recognition servers
- a speech keyboard that implements the input method editor (IME) API
The diagram below shows Kõnele's main components in yellow, while the standard Android interfaces via which other apps can interact with Kõnele are in green.
The main goals of this project is to offer support for Estonian speech recognition on the Android platform, as well as grammar-based speech recognition for voice command applications.
How to add support for other languages than Estonian is detailed in #38
For documentation, APKs, app store links, news etc. see http://kaljurand.github.io/K6nele/.
Clone the source code including the net-speech-api
and speechutils
git clone --recursive git@github.com:Kaljurand/K6nele.git
Point to the Android SDK directory by setting the environment variable
, e.g.
Build the Kõnele app (tested with Gradle v4.10.3)
gradle assemble
./gradlew assemble
If you have access to a release keystore then
point to its location by setting the environment variable
to the key alias -
create the file
containing the lines:storePassword=<password1> keyPassword=<password2>
The (signed and unsigned) APKs will be generated into app/build/outputs/apk/
The client for https://github.com/alumae/kaldi-gstreamer-server was originally based on https://github.com/truongdq54/kaldi-gstreamer-android-client.
Please read through the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.