(Work in progress)
Using Kõnele on Android Wear. (Tested with Wear OS by Google 2.2 on Huawei Watch 2.)
The same Kõnele APK package that works on the phone also works on the watch. However, the package cannot be installed to the watch via Google Play. We perform the installation using the Android Debug Bridge (adb).
Also, the Kõnele UI has not been fully customized for the watch,
therefore some configuration steps are only possible using adb, calling
Kõnele's GetPutPreferenceActivity
Install adb, which is part of the SDK Platform Tools.
Connect to the watch as detailed in Debugging an Android Wear App.
Download the latest APK from https://github.com/Kaljurand/K6nele/releases
wget https://github.com/Kaljurand/K6nele/releases/download/v1.6.78/K6nele-1.6.78.apk
Install APK
adb install K6nele-1.6.78.apk
(Alternative command, that specifies the watch IP address, and the reinstallation flag.)
adb -s install -r K6nele-1.6.78.apk
(Optional) Verify that the package was installed
adb shell pm list packages | fgrep "ee.ioc.phon.android.speak"
The menu Settings -> Personalization -> Customize hardware buttons
you define an app (e.g. Kõnele) to be launched when a hardware button is pressed.
- enable "Auto start"
- disable "Help text"
- enable IME (also possible via
adb shell am start -a android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS
There is no browser on the watch, which is used by default to show the transcription of the audio that is recorded when the Kõnele search panel is started via its launcher icon or from an intent that does not return to the caller (such as the ASSIST
action). In order to support these use cases, we first have to import and configure some rewrite rules that define how the transcription is modified and which app is used to handle the (modified) transcription.
Import a rules table from a URL and give it a name ("Test" in the example below):
adb shell am start -n ee.ioc.phon.android.speak/.activity.GetPutPreferenceActivity -e key keyRewritesMap/Test -e val "http://kaljurand.github.io/K6nele/rewrites/tsv/k6_various.tsv" --ez is_url true
Set the table to be the default. Note that there can be multiple defaults.
adb shell am start -n ee.ioc.phon.android.speak/.activity.GetPutPreferenceActivity -e key defaultRewriteTables --esa val Test
(Optional) Add the table to the list of rewrite rule tables in the Kõnele settings. This is not needed for the rules to work, but needed if one wants to browse the rules via Kõnele settings.
adb shell am start -n ee.ioc.phon.android.speak/.activity.GetPutPreferenceActivity -e key keyRewritesMap --esa val Test
There is a script https://github.com/Kaljurand/K6nele/blob/master/docs/adb-pref.py that makes this configuration step simpler:
Run GetPutPreference without confirmation
in Kõnele'sDeveloper settings, demos, tools
with the settings overrides specified in YAML files, e.g.:adb-pref.py prefs_developer.yml prefs_user_guide_rewrites.yml android_wear/prefs_wear.yml | sh
TODO: something that supports the
actions -
for Estonian TTS, install e.g. the EKI TTS service. The default TTS engine can be set in
Settings -> Accessibility -> Text-to-speech output
.wget https://github.com/Kaljurand/EKISpeak/releases/download/v1.2.03/EKISpeak-1.2.03.apk adb install EKISpeak-1.2.03.apk
Long press on the upper button (on Huawei Watch 2) launches action ASSIST
. Kõnele needs to be configured
with rewrite rules to be of any use, e.g. setting a timer using action SET_TIMER
Apps that integrate text input (e.g. Hangouts, Keep) offer 3 input modes:
- action
(microphone icon), - emoji,
- IME (keyboard icon).
Kõnele opens from the microphone icon and is available in the IME rotation. The first is suitable for short inputs that cannot be edited. The IME mode offers basic editing with swipe commands.
FetchUrlActivity does not work with some (local?) URLs: connect timed out. The solution seems to be to disable Bluetooth and enable Wifi on the watch.
searching for local recognition servers does not work. Again, the solution is to disable Bluetooth.
watch does not have phone-like menus, e.g. the Action bar, but some tasks assume them
the providers of
are not configurable. On Huawei Watch 2 by default, Google's responds to these actions, but once Kõnele is installed, it overrides Google. Kõnele sets theASSIST
intent filter priority to -10 to let Google win for theASSIST
action. -
voice prompts use the system default TTS engine, which on Huawei Watch 2 is Google's text-to-speech engine by default, which does not support Estonian, so Kõnele falls back to Finnish. This triggers the downloading of Finnish TTS data when first used, which lasts a while. In general, TTS is very slow on Wear (e.g. Google's Finnish takes 20 sec to warm up), so consider designing your rewrite rules without voice prompts. (In my most recent tests TTS did not seem to work at all.)
Android Wear does not support the Estonian UI
the standard Android voice input settings are not present on Wear.
adb shell am start -a android.settings.VOICE_INPUT_SETTINGS # results in: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent.
other actions that are not available: