issues Search Results · repo:Kaljurand/speechutils language:Java
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inKaljurand/speechutils (press backspace or delete to remove)I added the queries-block to the manifest of speechutils in but now I m not sure it needs
to be there, because speechutils ...
- Opened on Feb 16, 2024
- #14
Hello ,
This is a very useful repo.
In the speechutils github repo there is a para that mentions pausing background audio. I have built the app and am using
it with kaldi gstreamer.
However, the background ...
- 1
- Opened on May 17, 2020
- #11
At least provide a simple example code to understand how to start the recorder and get results from it in String format.
- 4
- Opened on Jun 17, 2019
- #10
Can you help me if is this compatabile using api like ibm watson speech to text api or is this supported like speaker
labeling or speaker identification? please feedback
- 1
- Opened on Feb 15, 2019
- #9
Library crashes when we try to call isPausing() on AudioRecorder
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=1120000; index=1120000 at ...
- 9
- Opened on Oct 7, 2016
- #4
Hi Kaarel, I needed a solution for pause detection in my app and your solution is the best one I ve found. Good work and
thanks for sharing. I ve abstracted it so it s easier to include anywhere.
The ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 19, 2016
- #2

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