Website sources for the Apache Community Development Website
The package provides Go bindings for PortMIDI from the PortMedia set of libraries.
miti is a musical instrument textual interface. Basically, its MIDI, but with human-readable text. 🎵
A web scrapper for changes in bleach prices
dpham692 / Team_DEADBEEF
Forked from dweckerly/Team_DEADBEEF413 Project
Star Wars Tradeport The Star Wars Tradeport is an application that generates a random Star Wars character, planet, and starship using RESTful web calls to the Star Wars API and then populating them…
Expense Reimbursement System - Java The Expense Reimbursement System (ERS) will manage the process of reimbursing employees for expenses incurred while on company time. All employees in the company…
jrushford / trafficcontrol
Forked from apache/trafficcontrolMirror of Apache Traffic Control (incubating)
jrushford / trafficserver
Forked from apache/trafficserverMirror of Apache Traffic Server
jrushford / code
Forked from goinaction/codeSource Code for Go In Action examples
A lexer/parser for an arbitrary cfg (see provided examples for format) written in Ruby
I like to build Pokemon Battle Simulations to help me learn a programming language
arash1999 / FastHub
Forked from k0shk0sh/FastHubFastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
Calendar bot for discord to easily create events and announce them to a channel
A bot for discord that accepts, announces, and gives out keys
Apache Traffic Control is an Open Source implementation of a Content Delivery Network