A collection of ergonomic split keyboards ⌨
A mechanical keyboard designed for 3D printing, tinkering, and experimentation.
PhahTaigi - Taigi Input Method for Android
Auto building AAR for OpenCV Android
GIF library built with ndk and gradle in aar format for usage with android gradle build system.
🔆 Android SDK to use the IBM Watson services.
A PrusaSlicer Profile for the Ender 3 v3 SE. Feel free to contribute!
Use your Rasperry Pi Pico and Android Phone as an Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer
Open-source and open-hardware scientific RPN calculator
A high-performance bridge for lua and java or c in Android with mutil-thread and almost all java features supported
SCR1 is a high-quality open-source RISC-V MCU core in Verilog
An implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++/C
Free Book about Deep-Learning approaches for Chess (like AlphaZero, Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish NNUE)
Useful scripts for installing Arch Linux (read-only mirror)
Collection of ancient computer virus source codes
Min-Z80, a minimal Z80-based single-board computer
Build script for AsteroidOS, an open-source operating system for smartwatches
dcorn / dactyl-keyboard
Forked from joshreve/dactyl-keyboardDactyl-ManuForm, a parameterized ergonomic keyboard translated into Python including a cadquery / Open CASCADE implementation.
A small, thin, USB-C, Pro Micro compatible microcontroller
Cherry MX Breakout Boards with reverse-mounted addressable RGB LED and hot-swap.
LSChyi / ex-dactyl-keyboard
Forked from adereth/dactyl-keyboardParameterized ergonomic keyboard