SQLite's UUID v4 extension, packaged as a gem.
The main use-case is to allow using UUIDs as primary keys with SQLite in Rails apps.
Add this gem to your application's Gemfile
by running this:
bundle add sqlite_extensions-uuid
or by adding this line and running bundle
gem "sqlite_extensions-uuid"
In your Rails app, you'll need to load the extension in your config/database.yml
like so:
adapter: sqlite3
- <%= SqliteExtensions::UUID.to_path %>
# ...
SQLite's uuid extension provides the following:
- generate a version 4 UUID as a stringuuid_str(X)
- convert a UUID X into a well-formed UUID stringuuid_blob(X)
- convert a UUID X into a 16-byte blob
For more information about the extension itself, see the extension's source code.
Use as a primary key in migrations:
bin/rails g model User email_address:uniq:index
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def change
create_table :users, id: :string, default: -> { "uuid()" }, limit: 36 do |t|
t.string :email_address, null: false
add_index :users, :email_address, unique: true
Call SQL directly:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("select uuid_str(uuid())")
#=> [{"uuid_str(uuid())"=>"56392d30-a2cf-47b9-895a-f8c1a1677bfc"}]
This gem compiles SQLite's uuid extension into a shared library using Ruby's native-gem functionality.
It doesn't actually compile a Ruby native extension, it just uses the ruby extension process to compile the SQLite UUID library.
It then exposes a method, SqliteExtensions::UUID.to_path
, which returns the location of that shared library.
This can be passed to sqlite3 in Database.new(extensions: [])
or Database#load_extension
# one-time setup
# build and run tests
bundle exec rake test
# install locally
bundle exec rake install
# uninstall
gem uninstall sqlite_extensions-uuid
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jethrodaniel/sqlite_extensions-uuid.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
The following files are copied verbatim from SQLite, and are used under their own license, which is visible at the beginning of each file: