- A human doing random shits.
- Penultimate Computer Science Student at Nanyang Technological University
- Rust and Go <3
- Interested in Multimedia, Operating System, Blockchain.
(excluding Competitive Programming, which is full of C++)
- Indonesian Cultural Night (ICN) 2025 (December 2024)
- PINTU Tech CI/CD - devops things (April 2024)
- Kawa 川 - a Livestreaming Server (February 2024)
- NTUMods - Schedule Planning and Calendar Export for NTU Students (December 2023)
- Indonesian Cultural Night (ICN) 2024 Show Website - deprecated (December 2023)
- JAMeS - a Telegram Bot (August 2023)
- Minimalistic Personal Website (July 2023)
- NTUCal - Imports class schedules into calendar app (March 2023, first project :D)