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Sponsored developers and organizations
25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Support Piped's server costs
Rubyist & Digital Identity Specialist
I spend a lot of time working on open-source projects, such as my Laravel multi-tenancy package. Your support would help make sure my projects remain maintained.
I build functional data visualisation and mapping libraries in the Elm ecosystem. Sponsorship will allow me to spend more focused time on these projects.
Guilherme is a software developer with a degree in Information Systems and has experience in programming using different technologies such as Python, Javascript, and Go. He has created more than 40 courses of the Alura platform.
Support Brenden’s open source work
Support manzt's open source work
I'm the creator of FastAPI, Typer, SQLModel, Asyncer, several Docker images, and other open source tools.
Independent developer/architect. I care & tweet about JavaScript, automation, tooling, performance & open source.
Support SideroLabs's open source work developing tools to make Kubernetes easy, immutable and secure!
The creator of PostCSS, Autoprefixer, Browserslist, Nano ID, OKLCH color picker and many other JS ecosystem projects
I make things that help you make games.
Leon Stafford is creating free and open source software for a wide audience.
Support Wasted Audio's open source work on interesting plugins and the Heavy Compiler Collection.
# Hello there 👋
If you think my projects have an impact in your life and you enjoy the results, please consider sponsoring me on Github to support future development 💟
Please support Daniel Sabanés Bové's open source work. His startup inferential.biostatistics is part of the RCONIS joint-venture.
Programmer on own feet, hobby programmer&musician, demoscener under the handle BeRo in the demogroup Farbrausch. And developer of audio software stuff.
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