🛰️ A versatile WebRTC pre-compiled Android library that reflects the recent WebRTC updates to facilitate real-time video chat for Android and Compose.
Android Video Conferencing App using 100ms SDK
The simplest tutorial for android WebRTC, step by step from using camera to multi-peer.【最简单的安卓WebRTC教程,从使用相机到多人视频一步步讲解。】
Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
Screen Share using webrtc in android
A Zeroconf library that allows you to discover network services and to broadcast your own. Based on Apple Bonjour and Android NSD.
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
Rapid development of scaffolding based on getx
🔥 A collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
🎲 Flutter Office furniture store app using GetX | bloc | cubit | Provider | riverpod
A basic boilerplate template for starting a Flutter GetX project. GetX, Dio, MVVM, get CLI, Localization, Pagination etc are implemented.
Create flutter project with all needed configuration in two minutes (theme, localization, connect to firebase, FCM, local notifications, safe API call, error handling, animation..etc)
Manage files in Google Drive, OneDrive, pDrive, Box, DropBox. Spiritual successor to CloudRail
Best Material You Design music player for Android
Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
采用Kotlin、Compose UI编写而成,整体采用MVVM框架,主要实现音视频资源播放(mediae-exoplayer)、前台服务、歌曲下载等功能
简单易用的 Jetpack Compose 快速开发框架,以Compose的方式实现功能.
Cocos' Awesome Technical Solutions
Cocos Creator 网页调试工具,运行时查看、修改节点树,实时更新节点属性,可视化显示缓存资源。
cocos creator项目基础类库,包括socket, http网络连接,资源加载与管理,ui加载与管理,热更新实现机制,定时器,事件系统,tween动画工具, 音效播放,常用控件如recycle listview,recycle scrollview等