Fixed: Fully consume unknown CSI sequences containing unsupported par…
Fixed: Fully consume unknown CSI sequences containing unsupported par…
Pull request merge
Changed|Fixed: Bump org.lsposed.hiddenapibypass:hiddenapibypass
to …
Changed|Fixed: Bump
to …Force push
Changed|Fixed: Bump org.lsposed.hiddenapibypass:hiddenapibypass
to …
Changed|Fixed: Bump
to …Fixed: Fix gradle build error if using jdk 17
Fixed: Fix gradle build error if using jdk
Fixed: Use
as…Added: Rename app classes in TermuxConstants
with _APP
suffix add…
Added: Rename app classes in
with _APP
suffix add…Added: Add empty and null strings tests for invalid urls to `FileRece…
Added: Add empty and null strings tests for invalid urls to `FileRece…
Pull request merge
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Pull request merge
Fixed: Make ScrollDown escape respect margins
Fixed: Make ScrollDown escape respect margins
Pull request merge
Added: Basic MIME type recognition in ContentProvider
Added: Basic MIME type recognition in ContentProvider
Pull request merge
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Force push
Fixed: Use Canvas.drawTextRun instead of drawText
Fixed: Use Canvas.drawTextRun instead of drawText
Pull request merge
Added: Terminal CSI reporting of window and cell pixel size
Added: Terminal CSI reporting of window and cell pixel size
Pull request merge
Fixed: Mark view as important for AutoFill before requesting an AutoFill
Fixed: Mark view as important for AutoFill before requesting an AutoFill
Pull request merge
Update latest version in to v0.118.1
Update latest version in to v0.118.1
Pull request merge
Added: Terminal CSI reporting of window and cell pixel size
Added: Terminal CSI reporting of window and cell pixel size
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Force push
Added|Changed: Fill .ws_xpixel
and .ws_ypixel
in winsize
Added|Changed: Fill
and .ws_ypixel
in winsize
Pull request merge
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Force push
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Force push
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Force push
Fixed: Parse (but ignore for now) terminal APC sequences
Fixed: Parse (but ignore for now) terminal APC sequences
Pull request merge
Fixed: Parse (but ignore for now) terminal APC sequences
Fixed: Parse (but ignore for now) terminal APC sequences
Force push
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Fixed: Implement colon separated CSI parameters
Force push
Fixed: Parse (but ignore for now) terminal APC sequences
Fixed: Parse (but ignore for now) terminal APC sequences
Force push