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A client CLI using GoSDK to interface the blockchain, storage platform, and blobbers (storage providers)


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zbox - a CLI for Züs dStorage

zbox is a command line interface (CLI) tool to understand the capabilities of Züs dStorage and prototype your app. The utility is built using Züs GoSDK. For more information on Züs Network and the system overview, refer to


Getting started

1. Installation


  • Go: Installation instructions for Mac, Linux and Windows can be found here.


  1. Clone the zboxcli repo and install
git clone
cd zboxcli
make install
  1. Add config yaml at ~/.zcn/config.yaml

The following script sets as your network.

cat > ~/.zcn/config.yaml << EOF
signature_scheme: bls0chain
min_submit: 50 # in percentage
min_confirmation: 50 # in percentage
confirmation_chain_length: 3
  1. Run zboxcli to display the list of supported commands.

For machine requirements and pre-requisites, follow the guides below:

2. Run zbox commands

The following steps assume that your terminal's working directory is inside the zboxcli repo.

Running zbox

When you run the ./zbox command in terminal with no arguments, it will list all the available commands and the global flags. For working of specific command check commands section.

  zbox [command]

Available Commands:
  alloc-cancel        Cancel an allocation
  alloc-fini          Finalize an expired allocation
  bl-info             Get blobber info
  bl-update           Update blobber settings by its delegate_wallet owner
  collect-reward      Collect accrued rewards for a stake pool.
  completion          Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  copy                copy an object(file/folder) to another folder on blobbers
  cp-info             Challenge pool information.
  createdir           Create directory
  decrypt             Decrypt text with passphrase
  delete              delete file from blobbers
  download            download file from blobbers
  feed                download segment files from remote live feed, and upload
  get-download-cost   Get downloading cost
  get-upload-cost     Get uploading cost
  getallocation       Gets the allocation info
  getwallet           Get wallet information
  help                Help about any command
  kill-blobber        punitively deactivate a blobber
  kill-validator      punitively deactivate a validator
  list                list files from blobbers
  list-all            list all files from blobbers
  listallocations     List allocations for the client
  ls-blobbers         Show active blobbers in storage SC.
  ls-validators       Show active Validators.
  meta                get meta data of files from blobbers
  move                move an object(file/folder) to another folder on blobbers
  newallocation       Creates a new allocation
  rename              rename an object(file/folder) on blobbers
  rp-create           Create read pool if missing
  rp-info             Read pool information.
  rp-lock             Lock some tokens in read pool.
  rp-unlock           Unlock some expired tokens in a read pool.
  sc-config           Show storage SC configuration.
  share               share files from blobbers
  shutdown-blobber    deactivate a blobber
  shutdown-validator  deactivate a validator
  sign-data           Sign given data
  sp-info             Stake pool information.
  sp-lock             Lock tokens lacking in stake pool.
  sp-unlock           Unlock tokens in stake pool.
  sp-user-info        Stake pool information for a user.
  start-repair        start repair file to blobbers
  stats               stats for file from blobbers
  sync                Sync files to/from blobbers
  transferallocation  Transfer an allocation from one account to another
  update              update file to blobbers
  updateallocation    Updates allocation's expiry and size
  upload              upload file to blobbers
  validator-info      Get validator info
  validator-update    Update validator settings by its delegate_wallet owner
  version             Prints version information
  wp-lock             Lock some tokens in write pool.
  wp-unlock           Unlock some expired tokens in a write pool.

      --config string              config file (default is config.yaml)
      --configDir string           configuration directory (default is $HOME/.zcn)
      --fee float                  transaction fee for the given transaction (if unset, it will be set to blockchain min fee)
  -h, --help                       help for zbox
      --network string             network file to overwrite the network details (if required, default is network.yaml)
      --silent                     (default false) Do not show interactive sdk logs (shown by default)
      --wallet string              wallet file (default is wallet.json)
      --wallet_client_id string    wallet client_id
      --wallet_client_key string   wallet client_key
      --withNonce int              nonce that will be used in transaction (default is 0)

Use "zbox [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Global Flags

Global Flags are parameters in zbox that can be used with any command to override the default configuration.zbox supports the following global parameters.

Flags Description Usage
--config string Specify a zbox configuration file (default is $HOME/.zcn/config.yaml) zbox [command] --config config1.yaml
--configDir string Specify a zbox configuration directory (default is $HOME/.zcn) zbox [command] --configDir /$HOME/.zcn2
-h, --help Gives more information about a particular command. zbox [command] --help
--network string Specify a network file to overwrite the network details(default is $HOME/.zcn/network.yaml) zbox [command] --network network1.yaml
--verbose Provides additional details as to what the particular command is doing. zbox [command] --verbose
--wallet string Specify a wallet file or 2nd wallet (default is $HOME/.zcn/wallet.json) zbox [command] --wallet wallet2.json
--wallet_client_id string Specify a wallet client id (By default client_id specified in $HOME/.zcn/wallet.json is used) zbox [command] --wallet_client_id <client_id>
--wallet_client_key string Specify a wallet client_key (By default client_key specified in $HOME/.zcn/wallet.json is used) zbox [command] --wallet_client_key < client_key>


Note in this document, we will only show the commands for particular functionalities, the response will vary depending on your usage and may not be provided in all places. To get a more descriptive view of all the zbox functionalities check zbox cli documentation at

Creating and Managing Allocations

Create new allocation

Command newallocation reserves hard disk space on the blobbers. Later upload can be used to save files to the blobber. newallocation has three modes triggered by the presence or absence of the cost and free_storage parameters.

  • cost Converts newallocation into a query that returns the cost of the allocation determined by the remaining parameters.
  • free_storage Creates an allocation using a free storage marker. All other parameters except cost will be ignored. The allocation settings will be set automatically by 0chain, from preconfigured values.
  • otherwise Creates an allocation applying the settings indicated by the remaining parameters.
  • Use owner if you want to create and fund an allocation for someone else. If using this option then you need to provide the new owner's public key. Otherwise, the owner defaults to the client.
Parameter Description Default Valid Values
allocationFileName local file to store allocation information allocation.txt file path
cost returns the cost of the allocation, no allocation created flag
data number of data shards, effects upload and download speeds 2 int
free_storage free storage marker file. file path to json marker file
owner owner's id, use for funding an allocation for another string
owner_public_key public key, use for funding an allocation for another string
lock* lock write pool with given number of tokens float
parity number of parity shards, effects availability (has to be more than 1 and less than the number of available blobbers on the chain (upper capped to 30)) 2 int
read_price filter blobbers by read price range 0-inf range
size size of space reserved on blobbers 2147483648 bytes
usd give token value in USD flag
write_price filter blobbers by write price range 0-inf range
third_party_extendable specify if the allocation can be extended by users other than the owner false bool
forbid_upload specify if users cannot upload to this allocation false bool
forbid_delete specify if the users cannot delete objects from this allocation false bool
forbid_update specify if the users cannot update objects in this allocation false bool
forbid_move specify if the users cannot move objects from this allocation false bool
forbid_copy specify if the users cannot copy object from this allocation false bool
forbid_rename specify if the users cannot rename objects in this allocation false bool
blobber_auth_tickets comma separated list of blobber auth tickets comma separated list of strings
force force to get blobbers even if required number of blobbers are not available (should be passed true in case of restricted blobbers) false bool
name allocation name string
preferred_blobbers comma separated list of preferred blobber ids comma separated list of strings
* - only required if free_storage not set.



Free storage newallocation


Free storage allocation

Entities can give free 0chain storage in the form of markers. A marker takes the form of a json file

  "assigner": "my_corporation",
  "recipient": "f174cdda7e24aeac0288afc2e8d8b20eda06b18333efd447725581dc80552977",
  "free_tokens": 2.1,
  "timestamp": 2000000,
  "signature": "9edb86c8710d5e3ee4fde247c638fd6b81af67e7bb3f9d60700aec8e310c1f06"
  • assigner A label for the entity providing the free storage.
  • recipient The marker has to be run by the recipient to be valid.
  • free_tokens The amount of free tokens. When creating a new allocation the free tokens will be split between the allocation's write pool, and a new read pool; the ratio of this split configured on the blockchain.
  • timestamp A unique timestamp. Used to prevent multiple applications of the same marker.
  • signature Signed by the assigner, validated using the stored public key on the blockchain. All allocation settings, other than lock, will be set automatically by 0chain. Once created, an allocation funded by a free storage marker becomes identical to any other allocation; Its history forgotten.
Allocation created : d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac


To create a new allocation with default values,use newallocation with a --lock flag to add some tokens to the write pool .On success a related write pool is created and the allocation information is stored under $HOME/.zcn/allocation.txt.

./zbox newallocation --lock 0.5

To use a free storage marker, you only need to provide the path to the marker file.

./zbox newallocation --lock 0.5 --free_storage markers/my_marker.json


Allocation created : d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac

Update allocation

updateallocation updates allocation settings. It has two modes depending on the presence of the free_storage field.

  • free_storage Uses a free storage marker to fund this allocation update; settings predefined by 0chain. See newallocation for further details.
  • otherwise Update an allocation applying the settings indicated by the remaining parameters.

If not a free_storage update, then tokens will come from those locked. Further we can add a blobber to the allocation, adding a blobber will allow a blobber to be removed. An increase in blobber count will increment the parity shards.

| Parameter | Required | Description | Default| Valid Values | | -------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------ | | allocation | yes | allocation id | | string | | name | | allocation name | | string | | extend | | adjust storage expiration time | | duration | | free_storage | | free storage marker file | | string | | lock | yes* | lock additional tokens in write pool | | int | | size | | adjust allocation size | | bytes | | add_blobber | | add a new blobber to the allocation, required for remove_blobber | | string | | add_blobber_auth_ticket | | Auth ticket of blobber to add to the allocation | | string | | remove_blobber | | remove a blobber from the allocation, requires an add_blobber option | | string | | third_party_extendable | | specify if the allocation can be extended by users other than the owner | false | bool | forbid_upload | |specify if users cannot upload to this allocation | false | bool | forbid_delete | |specify if the users cannot delete objects from this allocation | false | bool | forbid_update | |specify if the users cannot update objects in this allocation | false | bool | forbid_move | |specify if the users cannot move objects from this allocation | false | bool | forbid_copy | |specify if the users cannot copy object from this allocation | false | bool | forbid_rename | |specify if the users cannot rename objects in this allocation | false | bool * only required if free_storage not set.



Free storage updateallocation


./zbox updateallocation --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac --expiry 48h --size 4096
./zbox updateallocation --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac --free_storage "markers/my_marker.json"


Allocation updated with txId : fb84185dae620bbba8386286726f1efcd20d2516bcf1a448215434d87be3b30d

Transfer allocation ownership

transferallocation transfers an allocation from one account to another. This operation needs to be run by the current owner of the allocation.

Parameter Required Description Valid Values
allocation yes allocation id string
new_owner yes new owner id string
new_owner_key yes new owner public key string
./zbox transferallocation --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac --new_owner e61b1d5f081c4dfa4d45c852ca8abbfcdc3023ed4ffe2402ba7e9b2ebc56b129 --new_owner_key 421d9f68e121884a02587c1d5aad0ca81a4df2358abe1acb0952efdd5a6afc0ed198ec897a848890bd36a74f3dfd178a1ed9dcd2fab969b6ed073f98d795759d


transferred ownership of allocation : d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac to e61b1d5f081c4dfa4d45c852ca8abbfcdc3023ed4ffe2402ba7e9b2ebc56b129

Forbid Allocation

There are various operations which you can forbid on an allocation. Forbid flag works with update allocation command. Check its working first. Here are the operations:

Parameter Description
--forbid_copy specify if the users cannot copy object from this allocation
--forbid_update specify if the users cannot update objects in this allocation
--forbid_delete specify if the users cannot delete objects from this allocation
--forbid_move specify if the users cannot move objects from this allocation
--forbid_rename specify if the users cannot rename objects in this allocation
--forbid_upload specify if users cannot upload to this allocation

Here is a sample command for --forbid_upload .Other parameters can be done the same way.

./zbox updateallocation --allocation $ALLOC --forbid_upload

Sample Response :

Allocation Updated with txID : b84185dae620bbba8386286726f1efcd20d2516bcf1a448215434d87be3b30d

To test functionality try uploading file to allocation. You should get the following response :

Upload failed. this options for this file is not permitted for this allocation:

Cancel allocation

alloc-cancel immediately return all remaining tokens from challenge pool back to the allocation's owner and cancels the allocation. If blobbers already got some tokens, the tokens will not be returned. Remaining min lock payment to the blobber will be funded from the allocation's write pools.

Cancelling an allocation can only occur if the amount of failed challenges exceed a preset threshold.

Parameter Required Description Valid Values
allocation yes allocation id string



./zbox alloc-cancel --allocation <allocation_id>

Sample Response :

Allocation canceled with txId : 501df5a8e2a6b8ebced1d1e7dc4ed17f653012dd49834801b4413786ec031cd2

Finalise allocation

alloc-fini finalises an expired allocation. An allocation becomes expired when the expiry time has passed followed by a period equal to the challenge completion period.

Any remaining min lock payment to the blobber will be funded from the allocation's write pools. Any available money in the challenge pool returns to the allocation's owner.

An allocation can be finalised by the owner or one of the allocation blobbers.

Parameter Required Description Valid Values
allocation yes allocation id string



./zbox alloc-fini --allocation <allocation_id>

Sample Response:

Allocation finalized with txId : 2a6c031ced1d1e7dc4ed17801b4413786ecd2501df5ab8ebf653012dd498348e

List blobbers

Use ls-blobbers command to show active blobbers.

Parameter Required Description Valid Values
all no shows active and non active blobbers bool
json no display result in .json format bool
stakable no gets only stakable list of blobbers if set to true bool



./zbox ls-blobbers
- id:                    0ece681f6b00221c5567865b56040eaab23795a843ed629ce71fb340a5566ba3
  used / total capacity: 101.7 GiB / 1000.0 GiB
    read_price:          0.01 tok / GB
    write_price:         0.01 tok / GB / time_unit
    min_lock_demand:     0.1
    max_offer_duration:  744h0m0s
- id:                    788b1deced159f12d3810c61b4b8d381e80188c470e9798939f2e5036d964ffc
  used / total capacity: 102.7 GiB / 1000.0 GiB
    read_price:          0.01 tok / GB
    write_price:         0.01 tok / GB / time_unit
    min_lock_demand:     0.1
    max_offer_duration:  744h0m0s

Detailed blobber information

Use bl-info command to get detailed blobber information.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
blobber_id yes blobber on which to get information string
json no print result in json format false boolean



./zbox bl-info --blobber_id f65af5d64000c7cd2883f4910eb69086f9d6e6635c744e62afcfab58b938ee25


id:                f65af5d64000c7cd2883f4910eb69086f9d6e6635c744e62afcfab58b938ee25
url:               http://localhost:5051
capacity:          1.0 GiB
last_health_check: 2021-04-08 22:54:50 +0700 +07
capacity_used:     0 B
  read_price:         0.01 tok / GB
  write_price:        0.1 tok / GB
  min_lock_demand:    10 %
  max_offer_duration: 744h0m0s
  delegate_wallet: 8b87739cd6c966c150a8a6e7b327435d4a581d9d9cc1d86a88c8a13ae1ad7a96
  min_stake:       1 tok
  max_stake:       100 tok
  num_delegates:   50
  service_charge:  30 %

List all files

list-all lists all the files stored with an allocation

Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id, sender must be allocation owner string

Sample Request :

./zbox list-all --allocation 4ebeb69feeaeb3cd308570321981d61beea55db65cbeba4ba3b75c173c0f141b

Sample Response :


List owner's allocations

listallocations provides a list of all allocations owned by the user.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
json no print output in json format boolean


./zbox listallocations
  4ebeb69feeaeb3cd308570321981d61beea55db65cbeba4ba3b75c173c0f141b | 104857600 | 2021-07-16 13:34:29 +0100 BST |          1 |            1 | false     | false    |     0.02 | 0.1999999998

Update blobber settings

Use ./zbox bl-update to update a blobber's configuration settings. This updates the settings on the blockchain not the blobber.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
blobber_id yes id of blobber of which to update settings string
capacity no update blobber capacity int
max_offer_duration no update max offer duration duration
max_stake no update maximum stake float
min_lock_demand no update minimum lock demand float
min_stake no update minimum stake float
num_delegates no update maximum number of delegates int
read_price no update read price float
service_charge no update service charge float
write_price no update write price float
url no update the url of the blobber string
is_restricted no update whether blobber is restricted false bool
not_available no set blobber's availability for new allocations false bool



Update blobber read price

./zbox bl-update --blobber_id 0ece681f6b00221c5567865b56040eaab23795a843ed629ce71fb340a5566ba3 --read_price 0.1

Response :

blobber settings updated successfully

Update validator settings

Use ./zbox validator-update to update a validator's configuration settings. This updates the settings on the blockchain not the validator.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
validator_id yes id of validator of which to update settings string
max_stake no update maximum stake float
min_stake no update minimum stake float
num_delegates no update maximum number of delegates int
service_charge no update service charge float


Update validator service charge

./zbox validator-update --validator_id 0ece681f6b00221c5567865b56040eaab23795a843ed629ce71fb340a5566ba3 --service_charge 0.1

Get Version

The version of Zbox and Gosdk can be fetched using the ./zbox version command.

./zbox version

Sample Response:

zbox....:  v1.4.3
gosdk...:  v1.8.14

List All Validators

List all active validators on the network


./zbox ls-validators
Parameter Required Description
--stakable no Gets only validators that can be staked if set to true
--json no Print Response as json data

Response :

id:                b9f4f244e2e483548795e42dad0c5b5bb8f5c25d70cadeafc202ce6011b7ff8c
  delegate_wallet: 9c693cb14f29917968d6e8c909ebbea3425b4c1bc64b6732cadc2a1869f49be9
  min_stake:       1.000 ZCN
  max_stake:       100.000 ZCN
  num_delegates:   50
  service_charge:  30 %
id:                c025fad27d3daa6fbe6a10ef38f1075dc5a6386760951816ece953391ff9804b
  delegate_wallet: 9c693cb14f29917968d6e8c909ebbea3425b4c1bc64b6732cadc2a1869f49be9
  min_stake:       1.000 ZCN
  max_stake:       100.000 ZCN
  num_delegates:   50
  service_charge:  30 %

Get Validator Configuration

./zbox validator-info command is used to get a particular validator configuration . Here are the parameters for the command .

Parameter Required Description
--validator_id yes id of validator whose configuration has to be fetched
--json optional Print Response as json data

Sample Command :

./zbox validator-info --validator_id f82ab34a98406b8757f11513361752bab9cb679a5cb130b81

Sample Response :

id:                f82ab34a98406b8757f11513361752bab9cb679a5cb130b81a4e86cec50eefc3
last_health_check:  2023-05-12 20:09:15 +0530 IST
is killed:         false
is shut down:      false
  delegate_wallet: 9c693cb14f29917968d6e8c909ebbea3425b4c1bc64b6732cadc2a1869f49be9
  min_stake:       0 SAS
  max_stake:       0 SAS
  total_stake:     200000000000
  total_unstake:   0
  num_delegates:   50
  service_charge:  10 %

Shutdown Blobber

./zbox shutdown-blobber command deactivates a blobber to avoid storage of data . Required parameters are :

Parameter Required Description
--id yes Blobber Id to kill a specific blobber.Can be retrieved using List blobbers.
--fee no Custom fee for transaction

Sample Command :

./zbox shutdown-blobber --id $BLOBBER_ID --wallet $CHAIN_OWNER_WALLET

Note : Shutdown Blobber command should be invoked from chain owner wallet only

Sample Response :

shutdown blobber $BLOBBER_ID with txId : 2a6c031ced1d1e7dc4ed17801b4413786ecd2501df5ab8ebf653012dd498348e

Shutdown Validator

./zbox shutdown-validator command deactivates a validator. Required parameters are :

Parameter Required Description
--id yes Validator Id to kill a specific validator.Can be retrieved using List all Validators.
--fee no Custom fee for transaction

Sample Command :

./zbox shutdown-validator --id $VALIDATOR_ID --wallet $CHAIN_OWNER_WALLET

Note : Shutdown Validator command should be invoked from chain owner wallet only

Sample Response :

shutdown validator $VALIDATOR_ID with txId : 2a6c031ced1d1e7dc4ed17801b4413786ecd2501df5ab8ebf653012dd498348e

Kill Blobber

./zbox kill-blobber command deactivates a blobber to avoid storage of data . Required parameters are :

Parameter Required Description
--id yes Blobber Id to kill a specific blobber.Can be retrieved using List blobbers.

Sample Command :

./zbox kill-blobber --id $BLOBBER_ID --wallet $CHAIN_OWNER_WALLET

Note : Kill Blobber command should be evoked from chain owner wallet only

Sample Response :

killed blobber $BLOBBER_ID

Kill Validator

./zbox kill-validator command deactivates a specific validator available on the network. Required parameters are :

Parameter Required Description
--id yes Validator Id to kill a specific blobber.Can be retrieved using List all Validators.

Sample Command :

./zbox kill-validator --id $VALIDATOR_ID --wallet $CHAIN_OWNER_WALLET

Sample Response :

killed validator, id: $VALIDATOR_ID

Uploading and Managing files

Create Directory

Use createdir command to create a directory in the specified allocation

The user must be the owner of the allocation.

Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id, sender must be allocation owner string
dirname yes path to directory string

Sample Request :

./zbox createdir --allocation {ALLOC_ID} --dirname /abcd/

Sample Response :

/abcd/ directory created


Use upload command to upload file(s).

  • upload a local file
  • download segment files from remote live feed, and upload them
  • start live streaming from local devices, encode it into segment files with ffmpeg, and upload them.

The user must be the owner of the allocation.You can request the file be encrypted before upload, and can send thumbnails with the file.

Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id, sender must be allocation owner string
encrypt no encrypt file before upload false boolean
web-streaming no transcode file before upload to fragmented mp4 false boolean
localpath yes local path of the file to upload file path
remotepath yes remote path to upload file to, use to access file later string
thumbnailpath no local path of thumbnail file path
chunknumber no how many chunks should be uploaded in a http request 1 int
attr-who-pays-for-reads no Who pays for reads: owner or 3rd_party owner owner / 3rd_party
multiuploadjson no A JSON file containing multiupload options file path



Upload file with no encryption

./zbox upload --localpath /absolute-path-to-local-file/hello.txt --remotepath /myfiles/hello.txt --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac


12390 / 12390 [================================================================================] 100.00% 3s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = hello.txt

Upload file with encryption

Use upload command with optional encrypt parameter to upload a file in encrypted format. This can be downloaded as normal from same wallet/allocation or utilize Proxy Re-Encryption facility (see download command).

./zbox upload --encrypt --localpath <absolute path to file>/sensitivedata.txt --remotepath /myfiles/sensitivedata.txt --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac


12390 / 12390 [================================================================================] 100.00% 3s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = sensitivedata.txt

Upload file with web-streaming

Use upload command with optional web-streaming parameter to upload a video file in fragmented mp4 format to support streaming from browser.

./zbox upload --web-streaming --localpath <absolute path to file>/ --remotepath /myfile/ --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac


15691733 / 15691733 [=====================================================================================] 100.00% 32s
Status completed callback. Type = video/fmp4. Name = raw.samplevideo.mp4


Use feed command to automatically download segment files from remote live feed with --downloader-args "-q -f best"

  • encode them into new segment files with --delay and --ffmpeg-args, and upload.
  • please use youtube-dl -F to list formats of video (see below).

The user must be the owner of the allocation.You can request the file be encrypted before upload, and can send thumbnails with the file.

Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id, sender must be allocation owner string
encrypt no encrypt file before upload false boolean
localpath yes local path of segment files to download, generate and upload file path
remotepath yes remote path to upload file to, use to access file later string
thumbnailpath no local path of thumbnaSil file path
chunknumber no how many chunks should be uploaded in a http request 1 int
delay no set segment duration to seconds. 5 int
feed no set remote live feed to url. false url
downloader-args no pass args to youtube-dl to download video. default is "-q -f best". -q -f best youtube-dl
ffmpeg-args no pass args to ffmpeg to build segments. -loglevel warning ffmpeg
attr-who-pays-for-reads no Who pays for reads: owner or 3rd_party owner owner / 3rd_party


[youtube] pC5mGB5enkw: Downloading webpage
[info] Available formats for pC5mGB5enkw:
format code  extension  resolution note
249          webm       audio only tiny   44k , webm_dash container, opus @ 44k (48000Hz), 95.21MiB
250          webm       audio only tiny   59k , webm_dash container, opus @ 59k (48000Hz), 127.05MiB
251          webm       audio only tiny  123k , webm_dash container, opus @123k (48000Hz), 264.98MiB
140          m4a        audio only tiny  129k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@129k (44100Hz), 277.82MiB
278          webm       256x136    144p   87k , webm_dash container, vp9@  87k, 30fps, video only, 188.78MiB
160          mp4        256x136    144p  118k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d400c@ 118k, 30fps, video only, 253.62MiB
242          webm       426x224    240p  190k , webm_dash container, vp9@ 190k, 30fps, video only, 409.20MiB
133          mp4        426x224    240p  252k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d400d@ 252k, 30fps, video only, 541.15MiB
243          webm       640x338    360p  326k , webm_dash container, vp9@ 326k, 30fps, video only, 701.53MiB
134          mp4        640x338    360p  576k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d401e@ 576k, 30fps, video only, 1.21GiB
244          webm       854x450    480p  649k , webm_dash container, vp9@ 649k, 30fps, video only, 1.36GiB
135          mp4        854x450    480p 1028k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d401f@1028k, 30fps, video only, 2.16GiB
247          webm       1280x676   720p 1320k , webm_dash container, vp9@1320k, 30fps, video only, 2.77GiB
136          mp4        1280x676   720p 1988k , mp4_dash container, avc1.64001f@1988k, 30fps, video only, 4.17GiB
248          webm       1920x1012  1080p 2527k , webm_dash container, vp9@2527k, 30fps, video only, 5.30GiB
137          mp4        1920x1012  1080p 4125k , mp4_dash container, avc1.640028@4125k, 30fps, video only, 8.64GiB
271          webm       2560x1350  1440p 7083k , webm_dash container, vp9@7083k, 30fps, video only, 14.84GiB
313          webm       3840x2026  2160p 13670k , webm_dash container, vp9@13670k, 30fps, video only, 28.65GiB
18           mp4        640x338    360p  738k , avc1.42001E, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz), 1.55GiB
22           mp4        1280x676   720p 2117k , avc1.64001F, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz) (best)

--downloader-args "-f 22" dowloads video with 22 mp4 1280x676 720p 2117k , avc1.64001F, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz) (best)

./zbox feed --localpath <absolute path to file>/tvshow.m3u8 --remotepath /videos/tvsho --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac  --delay 10 --downloader-args "-f 22" --feed


Use download command to download your own or a shared file.

  • owner The owner of the allocation can always download files, in this case the owner pays for the download.
  • collaborator A collaborator can download files, the owner pays. To add collaborators to an allocation, use add-collab.
  • authticket To download a file using authticket, you must have previous be given an auth ticket using the share command. Use rx_pay to indicate who pays, rx_pay = true you pay, rx_pay = false the allocation owner pays. Use startblock and endblock to only download part of the file.
Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
authticket no auth ticked if not owner of the allocation, use share to get auth ticket string
blockspermarker no download multiple blocks per marker 10 int
endblock no download until specified block number int
localpath yes local path to which to download the file to file path
remotepath yes remote path to which the file was uploaded string
startblock no start download from specified block int
thumbail no only download the thumbnail false boolean
live no start m3u8 downloader,and automatically generate media playlist(m3u8) on --localpath false boolean
delay no pass segment duration to generate media playlist(m3u8). only works with --live. default duration is 5s. 5 int
lookuphash no The remote lookuphash of the object retrieved from the list string
multidownloadjson no A JSON file containing multi download options string
verifydownload no pass this option to verify downloaded blocks false boolean


Example (for owner)

./zbox download --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634f661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --remotepath /myfiles/horse.jpeg --localpath ../horse.jpeg

Example (for non-owner) with authticket

./zbox download --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634f661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --authticket eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIiLCJvd25lcl9pZCI6IiIsImFsbG9jYXRpb24iOiIzYzBkMzI1NjBlYTE4ZDlkMGQ3NjgwODIxNmE5YzYzNGY2NjE5NzlkMjliYTU5Y2M4ZGFjYmMzZTViOTUzNDEiLCJyZW1vdGVwYXRoIjoiL215ZmlsZXMvaG9yc2UuanBlZyIsImV4cG9ydCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMjFUMDk6MjA6MjAuMDAwWiJ9 --localpath ../horse.jpeg

If the authticket is for a directory, not a file, then you need to provide the lookup hash of the file you want to download. You can get the lookup hash from the list command.


4 / 4 [=======================================================================] 100.00% 3s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = horse.jpeg

Note: You can download by using only 1 on the below combination:

  • --remotepath, --allocation
  • --authticket

Downloaded file will be in the location specified by the localpath argument.


Use update command to update content of an existing file in the remote path. Like upload command. Only the owner of the allocation or a collaborator can update a file. To add collaborators to an allocation, use add-collab.

Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
encrypt no encrypt file before upload false boolean
localpath yes local file to upload file path
remotepath yes remote file to upload string
thumbnailpath no local fumbnail file to upload file path
chunknumber no how many chunks should be uploaded in a http request 1 int


Sample Command :

./zbox update --allocation {ALLOC_ID} --localpath ./zbox_commands.txt --remotepath /abcd/ --encrypt

Sample Response :

Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = zbox_commands.txt


Use delete command to delete your file on the allocation. Only the owner of the application can delete a file.

Parameter Required Description Default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
remotepath yes remote path of file to delete string



./zbox delete --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634flist661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --remotepath /myfiles/horse.jpeg


/myfiles/horse.jpeg deleted

File successfully deleted (Can be verified using list)


Alt text

Use share command to generate an authtoken that provides authorization to the holder to the specified file on the remotepath.

auth ticket can be used with download, and list, meta and get_download_cost, but only for files in the pre-defined remote path.

Parameter Required Description Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
clientid no id of user to share file with (or revoke share from), leave blank for public share (or to revoke public sharing) string
encryptionpublickey no public key of the client to share file with, required if clientId string
expiration-seconds no seconds before auth ticket expires int
remotepath yes remote path of file to share string
revoke no revoke share for remote path flag
available-after no timelock for private file that makes the file available for download at certain time. 4 input formats are supported: +1h30m, +30, 1647858200 and 2022-03-21 10:21:38. default value is current local time string



Public share

./zbox share --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634f661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --remotepath /myfiles/hello.txt


Auth token decoded


Encrypted share

Upload file with --encrypted tag.

Get encryptionpublickey first, by calling from user you sharing with:

./zbox getwallet


  19cd2396df9b8b77358a1110492ff65cbb5b55cae06b8bd204e0969b2454851ca620ae74aebe9ed641166be3bca056a1855610f6154f4f4435a29565a2111282 | b734ef935e2a02892b2fa31e3488b360ef300d3b0b32c03834cea3a83e2453f0 | 1JuT4AbQnmIaOMTuWn07t98xQRsSqXAxZYfwCI1yQLM=

You have to pickup ENCRYPTION PUBLIC KEY

Use clientid of the user to share with. encryptionpublickey - key from command above.

Private File Sharing

./zbox share --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634f661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --remotepath /myfiles/hello.txt --clientid b6de562b57a0b593d0480624f79a55ed46dba544404595bee0273144e01034ae --encryptionpublickey 1JuT4AbQnmIaOMTuWn07t98xQRsSqXAxZYfwCI1yQLM=


Auth token decoded


Response contains an auth ticket- an encrypted string that can be shared.

Directory share

Follow up steps above to get encryptionpublickey

Upload multiple files to directory with zbox upload /folder1/file1.z ...

./zbox share --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634f661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --remotepath /folder1 --clientid b6de562b57a0b593d0480624f79a55ed46dba544404595bee0273144e01034ae --encryptionpublickey 1JuT4AbQnmIaOMTuWn07t98xQRsSqXAxZYfwCI1yQLM=






Make sure "reference_type":"d" is "d" (directory)

Now you able to download files inside this directory with same auth*ticket. To download it just point to excact file location in *--remotepath_ param:

zbox download --allocation 76ad9fa86f9b6685880553588a250586806ba5d7d20fc229d6905998be55d64a --localpath ~/file1.z --authticket $auth --remotepath /folder1/file1.z

This method works for both: encrypted and non-encrypted files.

share-encrypted revoke

This will cancel the share for particular buyer that was performed by the seller using zbox share. Works only for files with --encrypted tag.

Use clientid of the user that was share the remotepath. Required parameters are allocation, remotepath and clientid.


./zbox share --revoke --allocation 3c0d32560ea18d9d0d76808216a9c634f661979d29ba59cc8dafccb3e5b95341 --remotepath /myfiles/hello.txt --clientid d52d82133177ec18505145e784bc87a0fb811d7ac82aa84ae6b013f96b93cfaa


Returns status message showing whether the operation was successful or not.


Use list command to list files in given remote path of the dStorage. An auth ticket should be provided when not sent by the allocation's owner. Using an auth ticket requires a lookuphash to indicate the path for which to list contents.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
authticket no auth ticked if not owner of the allocation, use share to get auth ticket sting
json no output the response in json format false boolean
lookuphash no hash of object to list, use with auth ticket. string
remotepath no remote path of objects to list, for auth ticket use lookuphash instead string


Example (for owner)

./zbox list --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc --remotepath /

Example (for non-owner with auth ticket)

./zbox list --allocation 39c41dcc1f3fd5154e92e6285dd18ed869b72662198839a862d8f1fa627ec256 --authticket 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

Example Response:

  TYPE |  NAME  |     PATH      | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS | ACTUAL SIZE | ACTUAL NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED  
  f    | one.js | /files/one.js |    5 |          1 |          19 |                 1 | 566669a0240db1ca5d48ab0e013f125faf3beb34f01ef065ffb31255d9e63f43 | NO            

Response will be a list with information for each file/folder in the given path. The information includes lookuphash which is require for download via authticket.


Use copy command to copy file to another folder path in dStorage. Only the owner of the allocation can copy an object.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
remotepath yes remote path of object to copy string
destpath yes destination, an existing directory to copy object string



./zbox copy --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac --remotepath


/file.txt --destpath /existingFolder
/file.txt copied


Use move command to move file to another remote folder path on dStorage. Only the owner of the allocation can copy an object.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
remotepath yes remote path of object to copy string
destpath yes destination, an existing directory to copy object string



./zbox move --allocation d0939e912851959637257573b08c748474f0dd0ebbc8e191e4f6ad69e4fdc7ac --remotepath


/file.txt --destpath /existingFolder
/file.txt moved

Get wallet

Use getwallet command to get additional wallet information including Encryption Public Key,Client ID which are required for Private File Sharing.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
json no print response in json format false boolean


./zbox getwallet


                                                             PUBLIC KEY                                                            |                             CLIENTID                             |            ENCRYPTION PUBLIC KEY
  3e7fa2dd6b924adfdf69e36cc61cb5d9012226dac619250ce5fc37eae25a05118008944d1727221b6d14b0998c5813acd13066040976598c5366e86519377001 | b6de562b57a0b593d0480624f79a55ed46dba544404595bee0273144e01034ae | 1JuT4AbQnmIaOMTuWn07t98xQRsSqXAxZYfwCI1yQLM=

Response will give details for current selected wallet (or wallet file specified by optional --wallet parameter)

Get Allocation Information

Use getallocation command to get the information about the allocation such as total size , used size, number of challenges and challenges passed/failed/open/redeemed.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
blocks-per-marker no print response in json format 10 int
json no print response in json format false boolean



./zbox getallocation --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc


  id:              2813684263f6a28de4d1301255bba21c6cf9429cc02286b56ef38db7b068d8f1
  tx:              2813684263f6a28de4d1301255bba21c6cf9429cc02286b56ef38db7b068d8f1 (latest create/update allocation transaction hash)
  data_shards:     4
  parity_shards:   2
  size:            2.0 GiB
  expiration_date: 2024-05-27 15:42:23 +0200 EET
  third_party_extendable:       false
  file_options:      00111111
  write pool       1.000 ZCN
  min_lock_demand: 0 %
    - blobber_id:       6f895dfc20b5e55df6b3084eeb69ad604eb232e5853cf054983d7495bdbc9ed7
      base URL:
      size:             512.0 MiB
      min_lock_demand:  0 SAS
      spent:            0 SAS (moved to challenge pool or to the blobber)
      penalty:          0 SAS (blobber stake slash)
      read_reward:      0 SAS
      returned:         0 SAS (on challenge failed)
      challenge_reward: 0 SAS (on challenge passed)
      final_reward:     0 SAS (if finalized)
      terms: (allocation related terms)
        read_price:                0 SAS / GB (by 64KB chunks)
        write_price:               10.000 mZCN / GB
        min_lock_demand:           0 SAS %
        max_offer_duration:        0s
    - blobber_id:       98f14362f075caf467653044cf046eb9e8a5dfee88dc8b78cad1891748245003
      base URL:
      size:             512.0 MiB
      min_lock_demand:  0 SAS
      spent:            0 SAS (moved to challenge pool or to the blobber)
      penalty:          0 SAS (blobber stake slash)
      read_reward:      0 SAS
      returned:         0 SAS (on challenge failed)
      challenge_reward: 0 SAS (on challenge passed)
      final_reward:     0 SAS (if finalized)
      terms: (allocation related terms)
        read_price:                0 SAS / GB (by 64KB chunks)
        write_price:               10.000 mZCN / GB
        min_lock_demand:           0 SAS %
        max_offer_duration:        0s
    - blobber_id:       0e2fa9abc5a14231a1e7dc27b129480b732222e8e864d3b4e62d60a8b8ae617b
      base URL:
      size:             512.0 MiB
      min_lock_demand:  0 SAS
      spent:            0 SAS (moved to challenge pool or to the blobber)
      penalty:          0 SAS (blobber stake slash)
      read_reward:      0 SAS
      returned:         0 SAS (on challenge failed)
      challenge_reward: 0 SAS (on challenge passed)
      final_reward:     0 SAS (if finalized)
      terms: (allocation related terms)
        read_price:                0 SAS / GB (by 64KB chunks)
        write_price:               10.000 mZCN / GB
        min_lock_demand:           0 SAS %
        max_offer_duration:        0s
    - blobber_id:       06166f3dfd72a90cd0b51f4bd7520d4434552fc72880039b1ee1e8fe4b3cd7ea
      base URL:
      size:             512.0 MiB
      min_lock_demand:  0 SAS
      spent:            0 SAS (moved to challenge pool or to the blobber)
      penalty:          0 SAS (blobber stake slash)
      read_reward:      0 SAS
      returned:         0 SAS (on challenge failed)
      challenge_reward: 0 SAS (on challenge passed)
      final_reward:     0 SAS (if finalized)
      terms: (allocation related terms)
        read_price:                0 SAS / GB (by 64KB chunks)
        write_price:               10.000 mZCN / GB
        min_lock_demand:           0 SAS %
        max_offer_duration:        0s
    - blobber_id:       5c61f8d3e63528dfe45db89a598bd5c42c71b3994f7639d4647268ba75269d9a
      base URL:
      size:             512.0 MiB
      min_lock_demand:  0 SAS
      spent:            0 SAS (moved to challenge pool or to the blobber)
      penalty:          0 SAS (blobber stake slash)
      read_reward:      0 SAS
      returned:         0 SAS (on challenge failed)
      challenge_reward: 0 SAS (on challenge passed)
      final_reward:     0 SAS (if finalized)
      terms: (allocation related terms)
        read_price:                0 SAS / GB (by 64KB chunks)
        write_price:               10.000 mZCN / GB
        min_lock_demand:           0 SAS %
        max_offer_duration:        0s
    - blobber_id:       8d19a8fd7147279d1dfdadd7e3ceecaf91c63ad940dae78731e7a64b104441a6
      base URL:
      size:             512.0 MiB
      min_lock_demand:  0 SAS
      spent:            0 SAS (moved to challenge pool or to the blobber)
      penalty:          0 SAS (blobber stake slash)
      read_reward:      0 SAS
      returned:         0 SAS (on challenge failed)
      challenge_reward: 0 SAS (on challenge passed)
      final_reward:     0 SAS (if finalized)
      terms: (allocation related terms)
        read_price:                0 SAS / GB (by 64KB chunks)
        write_price:               10.000 mZCN / GB
        min_lock_demand:           0 SAS %
        max_offer_duration:        0s
  read_price_range:          0 SAS-0 SAS (requested)
  write_price_range:         0 SAS-25.000 mZCN (requested)
  challenge_completion_time: 0s (max)
  start_time:                2024-04-27 15:42:23 +0200 EET
  finalized:                 false
  canceled:                  false
  moved_to_challenge:        0 SAS
  moved_back:                0 SAS
  moved_to_validators:       0 SAS
    total size:              2.0 GiB
    used size:               0 B
    number of writes:        0
    total challenges:        0
    passed challenges:       0
    failed challenges:       0
    open challenges:         0
    last challenge redeemed: 
    time_unit:   720h0m0s
    read_price:  0 SAS / GB (by 64KB)
    write_price: 15.000 mZCN / GB / 720h0m0s

Get metadata

Use meta command to get metadata for a given remote file. Use must either be the owner of the allocation on have an auth ticket or be a collaborator. Use share to create an auth ticket for someone or add-collab to add a user as a collaborator. To indicate the object use remotepath or lookuphash with an auth ticket.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
authticket no auth ticked if not owner of the allocation string
json no print result in json format false boolean
lookuphash no hash of object, use with auth ticket string
remotepath no remote path of objecte, do not use with authticket string


Without any authticket

./zbox meta --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc --remotepath /1.txt


  TYPE | NAME  |  PATH  |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | SIZE |        MIME TYPE         |                   HASH
  f    | 1.txt | /1.txt | 20dc798b04ebab3015817c85d22aea64a52305bad6f7449acd3828c8d70c76a3 |    4 | application/octet-stream | 03cfd743661f07975fa2f1220c5194cbaff48451

With authticket

./zbox meta --lookuphash 20dc798b04ebab3015817c85d22aea64a52305bad6f7449acd3828c8d70c76a3 --authticket 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


TYPE | NAME  |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | SIZE |        MIME TYPE         |                   HASH
  f    | 1.txt | 20dc798b04ebab3015817c85d22aea64a52305bad6f7449acd3828c8d70c76a3 |    4 | application/octet-stream | 03cfd743661f07975fa2f1220c5194cbaff48451

Response will be metadata for the given filepath/lookuphash (if using authTicket)

For a directory

./zbox meta --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc --remotepath /files


  TYPE | NAME  |  PATH  |                           LOOKUP HASH                             
  d    | files | /files | 9184e5f2634bd7b2cdaec97de9c3eb8f60192640d5e6f32bb3271f094ef7cc7a  


rename command renames a file existing already on dStorage. Only the allocation's owner can rename a file.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
destname yes new neame of the object string
remotepath yes remote path of object, do not use with authticket string



./zbox rename --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc --remotepath /1.txt --destname x.txt


/1.txt renamed


stats command gets upload, download and challenge statistics for a file. Only the owner can get a files stats.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
json no print result in json format false boolean
remotepath yes file of which to get stats string



./zbox stats --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc --remotepath /1.txt


                              BLOBBER                              | NAME  |  PATH  | SIZE | UPLOADS | BLOCK DOWNLOADS | CHALLENGES | BLOCKCHAIN AWARE
  9c14598d5d39cb27177add6efabdadfb0a0478abe5d471ffe9080751dc89321c | 1.txt | /1.txt | 2065 |       3 |               1 |          0 | true
  dea18e3f3c308666cb489877b9b2c7e2babf797d8b8c322fa9d074105787a9e9 | 1.txt | /1.txt | 2065 |       3 |               1 |          0 | true
  0ece681f6b00221c5567865b56040eaab23795a843ed629ce71fb340a5566ba3 | 1.txt | /1.txt | 2065 |       3 |               1 |          0 | true
  788b1deced159f12d3810c61b4b8d381e80188c470e9798939f2e5036d964ffc | 1.txt | /1.txt | 2065 |       3 |               1 |          0 | true
  78a1a9db859cded21a5120a5bf808e97202a1fd7f94e51d2fd174edbdc4d7291 | 1.txt | /1.txt | 2065 |       3 |               1 |          0 | true
  876b4cd610eb1aac63c53cdfd4d3a0ac91d94f2d6b858bb195f72b6dc0f33b55 | 1.txt | /1.txt | 2065 |       3 |               1 |          0 | true


Use start-repair command to repair an allocation. Sometimes, your operations on the allocation files may not be successful on some blobbers (since the consensus of the operations is data_shards + 1) leading to incosistency of the allocation data on its hosting blobbers. In such cases, you can use the repair command to repair the allocation. The repair command will repair the allocation by downloading the files from the blobbers with the latest version and re-uploading them to the blobbers that failed before. The repair command will also update the allocation metadata on the blobbers. Only the owner of the allocation can repair the allocation. repair \

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
repairpath yes remote path to repair string
rootpath yes file path for local files string



./zbox start-repair --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc --repairpath / --rootpath /home/dung/Desktop/alloc


Repair file completed, Total files repaired:  0


decrypt is used to decrypt data with a passphrase

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
text yes string to decrypt string
passphrase yes passphrase to use to decrypt string
./zbox decrypt --text {encryted_data} --passphrase {passphrase}

Sign data

sign-data uses the information from your wallet to sign the input data string

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
data yes string to sign string
./zbox sign-data "data to sign"
Signature : 9432ab2ee602062afaf48c4016b373a65db48a8546a81c09dead40e54966399e

Lock and Unlock Tokens

Challenge pool information

Use cp-info command to get the challenge pool brief information.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
json no print result in json format false boolean



./zbox cp-info --allocation 8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc


POOL ID: 6dba10422e368813802877a85039d3985d96760ed844092319743fb3a76712d7:challengepool:8695b9e7f986d4a447b64de020ba86f53b3b5e2c442abceb6cd65742702067dc
    BALANCE    |             START             |            EXPIRE             | FINIALIZED
  0.0000002796 | 2021-04-17 00:27:23 +0700 +07 | 2021-05-24 00:29:23 +0700 +07 | false

Balance is the current challenge pool balance. Start,Expire time and the finalization are allocations related.

Create read pool

Use rp-create to create a read pool, rp-create has no parameters.



./zbox rp-create

Collect rewards

Use collect-reward to transfer reward tokens from a stake pool in which you have invested to your wallet.

You earn rewards for:


  • File space used by allocation owners and associates.
  • A min lock demand for each allocation.
  • Block rewards. Each block a reward gets paid out to blobber stakeholders in the form of a random lottery.


  • Payment for validating blobber challenge responses.

The stake pool keeps an account for all stakeholders to maintain accrued rewards. These rewards can be accessed using this collect-reward command.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
provider_type no blobber or validator blobber "blobber" | "validator"
provider_id no id of blobber or validator string
./zbox collect-reward --provider_type blobber

Read pool info

Use rp-info to get read pool information.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
json no print result in json format false boolean


./zbox rp-info

Lock tokens into read pool

Lock some tokens in read pool. ReadPool is not linked to specific allocations anymore. Each wallet has a singular, non-expiring, untethered ReadPool. Locked tokens in ReadPool can be unlocked at any time and returned to the original wallet balance.

  • If the user does not have a pre-existing read pool, then the smart-contract creates one.

Locked tokens can be used to pay for read access to file(s) stored with different allocations. To use these tokens the user must be the allocation owner, collaborator or have an auth ticket.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
fee transaction fee 0 int
tokens yes tokens to lock int
./zbox rp-lock --tokens 1

Unlock tokens from read pool

Use rp-unlock to unlock tokens from `read pool by ownership.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
fee no transaction fee 0 float

Unlocked tokens get returned to the original wallet balance.

Storage SC configurations

Use sc-config to show storage SC configuration.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
json no print result in json format false boolean


./zbox sc-config

Stake pool info

Use sp-info to get your stake pool information and settings.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
blobber_id id of blobber string
authorizer_id id of authorizer string
miner_id id of miner string
sharder_id id of sharder string
validator_id id of validator string
json no print result in json format false boolean
* - one of the above ids is required


./zbox sp-info --blobber_id <blobber_id>

Sample Response :

pool id:            98f14362f075caf467653044cf046eb9e8a5dfee88dc8b78cad1891748245003
balance:            12.000 ZCN
total stake:        12.000 ZCN
unclaimed rewards:  0 SAS
total rewards:      0 SAS
- id:                ba6ab426644f2b326b1da3dd426229fed19eed85387deaf72e05cb0fa4c5abbb
  balance:           12.000 ZCN
  delegate_id:       ba6ab426644f2b326b1da3dd426229fed19eed85387deaf72e05cb0fa4c5abbb
  unclaimed reward:  0 SAS
  total_reward:      0 SAS
  total_penalty:     0 SAS
  status:            active
  round_created:     2074
  unstake:           false
  staked_at:         2024-04-27 16:29:47 +0200 EET
  delegate_wallet:   fdaa2b74e666a3f609ea714a649d44edd9c46ff468e094b797e1811c533d0b2b
  num_delegates:     50

Lock tokens into stake pool

Lock creates delegate pool for current client and a given provider (blobber or validator). The tokens locked for the provider stake can be unlocked any time, excluding times when the tokens held by opened offers. These tokens will earn rewards depending on the actions of the linked provider.

sp-lock returns the id of the new stake pool, this will be needed to reference to stake pool later.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
blobber_id id of blobber n/a string
validator_id id of validator n/a string
miner_id id of miner n/a string
sharder_id id of blobber n/a string
authorizer_id id of authorizer n/a string
fee no transaction fee 0 float
tokens yes tokens to lock float


To stake tokens for blobbers:

./zbox sp-lock --blobber_id <blobber_id> --tokens 1.0

To stake tokens for validators:

./zbox sp-lock --validator_id <validator_id> --tokens 1.0

Unlock tokens from stake pool

Unlock a stake pool by pool owner. This tag prevents the stake pool affecting blobber allocation for any new allocations.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
blobber_id id of blobber n/a string
validator_id id of validator n/a string
miner_id id of miner n/a string
sharder_id id of blobber n/a string
authorizer_id id of authorizer n/a string
fee no transaction fee 0 float


To unstake blobber tokens:

./zbox sp-unlock --blobber_id <blobber_id>

To unstake validator tokens:

./zbox sp-unlock --validator_id <validator_id> --pool_id <pool_id>

Same for the other providers.

Stake pools info of user

Get information about all stake pools of current user.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
all no get all the pools false boolean
client_id no client_id of the user string
limit no limit the number of records returned 20 int
offset no skip the number of rows before beginning int
json no print result in json format false boolean


./zbox sp-user-info

Sample Response :

- blobber_id:  98f14362f075caf467653044cf046eb9e8a5dfee88dc8b78cad1891748245003
  - id:                ba6ab426644f2b326b1da3dd426229fed19eed85387deaf72e05cb0fa4c5abbb
    balance:           12.000 ZCN
    delegate_id:       ba6ab426644f2b326b1da3dd426229fed19eed85387deaf72e05cb0fa4c5abbb
    unclaimed reward:        0 SAS
    total rewards:           0 SAS
    total penalty:           0 SAS
    status:           active
    round_created:    2074
    unstake:          false
    staked_at:        2024-04-27 16:29:47 +0200 EET

Lock tokens into write pool

wp-lock can be used to lock tokens in a write pool associated with an allocation. All tokens will be divided between allocation blobbers depending on their write price.

  • Uses two different formats, you can either define a specific blobber to lock all tokens, or spread across all the allocations blobbers automatically.
  • If the user does not have a pre-existing read pool, then the smart-contract creates one.

Anyone can lock tokens with a write pool attached to an allocation. These tokens can be used to pay for the allocation updates and min lock demand as needed. Any tokens moved into the challenge pool to underwrite blobbers' min lock demands return to the allocation's owner on closing the allocation either by cancelation or expiry.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation no allocation id string
fee no transaction fee 0 float
tokens yes number of tokens to lock float
wp-lock with a specific blobber
./zbox wp-lock --allocation <allocation_id> --tokens 1


wp-lock spread across all blobbers
./zbox wp-lock --allocation <allocation_id> --tokens 1


Unlock tokens from write pool

wp-unlock unlocks an expired write pool. An expired write pool, associated with an allocation, can be locked until allocation finalization even if it's expired. It possible in cases where related blobber doesn't give their min lock demands. The finalization will pay the demand and unlock the pool.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation no allocation id string
fee no transaction fee 0 float


./zbox wp-unlock --allocation <allocation_id>

Download cost

get-download-cost determines the cost for downloading the remote file from dStorage. The client must be an owner, collaborator, or using an auth ticket to determine the download cost of the file.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
authticket no auth ticket to use if not the owner string
blocks-per-marker no blocks signed per Read Marker 10 int
lookuphash no hash of remote file, use with auth ticket string
remotepath no file of which to get stats, use if owner string



./zbox get-download-cost --allocation <allocation_id> --remotepath /path/file.ext


0.0000107434 tokens for 10 64KB blocks (24 B) of <remote_path_of_file> .

Upload cost

get-upload-cost determines the cost for uploading a local file on dStorage. --duration Ignored if --end true, in which case the cost of upload calculated until the allocation expires.

Parameter Required Description default Valid values
allocation yes allocation id string
duration no duration for which to upload file duration
end no upload file until allocation expires false boolean
localpath yes local of path to calculate upload file path



./zbox get-upload-cost --allocation <allocation_id> --localpath ./path/file.ext


 0.0000000028 tokens / 720h0m0s for 24 B of <remote_path_of_file>



~/.zcn/config.yaml is a required zboxcli config.

Field Description Value type
block_worker The URL to chain network DNS that provides the lists of miners and sharders string
signature_scheme The signature scheme used in the network. This would be bls0chain for most networks string
min_submit The desired minimum success ratio (in percent) to meet when submitting transactions to miners integer
min_confirmation The desired minimum success ratio (in percent) to meet when verifying transactions on sharders integer
confirmation_chain_length The desired chain length to meet when verifying transactions integer

Override Network

Network nodes are automatically discovered using the block_worker provided on config file.

To override/limit the nodes used on zbox, create ~/.zcn/network.yaml as shown below.

cat > ~/.zcn/network.yaml << EOF

Overriding the nodes can be useful in local chain setup. In some cases, the block worker might return URLs with IP/alias only accessible within the docker network.