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A free and open source, reasonably optimized router smart contract.


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Lotus Router

The Lotus Router is an embedded virtual machine which treats instructions as DeFi protocol interactions, primarily automated market marker protocols. It does not take fees, it does not extract rent, it is not upgradeable, it is permissionless, it is free and open source software. It bears the AGPL-3.0 copy-left license.

Built with experience from the frontier, with solidarity for developers of sovereignity, and with a love for democratization of knowledge and software.

Work In Progress, Do Not Use Yet


Searchers and Solvers alike employ people like us to repeatedly build the state of the art in router technology.

Searchers and Solvers alike justify secrecy with "alpha decay" and other pseudo- academic terminology in order to hoard the cutting edge and the capital which comes with it.

We grow tired of building the same software again and again.

We grow tired of signing NDA after NDA.

We grow tired of repeating ourselves.

So we the Researchers and Developers write this software with the intent to democratize the cutting edge of router technology.

So we the Researchers and Developers write this software with the intent to liberate the secrets of a parasitic industry.

So we the Researchers and Developers write this software with the intent to expose the elegant simplicity which hides behind bytecode obfuscators and the mysticism of our local elites.


Multiple organizations may contend that this technology was stolen, or that it is the subject of trade secrets.

However, we the Researchers and Developers formally declare this software is developed explicitly on our own time, on our own hardware, with our own software, and with our own knowledge accumulated from both educational resources and through our understanding and interpretation of the bytecode which exists on the public blockchains.

Implementation Details

Batchable actions:

  • Uniswap V2 Swap
  • Uniswap V3 Swap
  • Uniswap V3 Flash
  • ERC20 Transfer
  • ERC20 TransferFrom
  • ERC721 TransferFrom
  • ERC6909 Transfer
  • ERC6909 TransferFrom
  • Wrap WETH
  • Unwrap WETH
  • Dynamic Contract Call

Other features:

  • Unconventional Encoder/Decoder (inspired by bigbrainchad.eth)
  • Transient storage call stack constraints (inspired by bigbrainchad.eth)
  • Virtual Machine Style Architecture (inspired by, yes, bigbrainchad.eth)

Call Diagrams

Uniswap V2 Chaining

Chaining Uniswap V2 markets entails iteratively calling pairs, forwarding the output of one swap into the next pair.

  • Lotus transfers TokenA to MarketAB
  • Lotus calls swap on MarketAB
    • MarketAB swaps and transfers TokenB to MarketBC
  • Lotus calls swap on MarketBC
    • MarketBC swaps and transfers TokenC to Lotus
    Lotus-->>MarketAB: transfer A
    Lotus->>+MarketAB: swap(A, B)
    MarketAB-->>MarketBC: transfer B
    MarketAB->>-Lotus: return
    Lotus->>+MarketBC: swap(B, C)
    MarketBC-->>Lotus: transfer C
    MarketBC->>-Lotus: return

Uniswap V3 Chaining

Chaining Uniswap V3 markets entails recursively calling pools, settling each market in its respective callback to the router.

While it is possible to simplify encoding control flow by calling iteratively, recursion saves O(n) calls.

  • Lotus calls swap on MarketBC
    • MarketBC transfers TokenC to Lotus
    • MarketBC calls back into Lotus with uniswapV3Callback
      • Lotus calls swap on MarketAB
        • MarketAB transfers TokenB to Lotus
        • MarketAB calls back into Lotus with uniswapV3Callback
          • Lotus transfers TokenA to MarketAB, settling the balances
          • Lotus transfers TokenB to MarketBC, settling the balances
    Lotus->>+MarketBC: swap(B, C)
    MarketBC-->>Lotus: transfer C
    MarketBC->>+Lotus: uniswapV3SwapCallback
    Lotus->>+MarketAB: swap(A, B)
    MarketAB-->>Lotus: transfer B
    MarketAB->>+Lotus: uniswapV3SwapCallback
    Lotus-->>MarketAB: transfer A
    Lotus-->>MarketBC: transfer B
    Lotus->>-MarketAB: return
    MarketAB->>-Lotus: return
    Lotus->>-MarketBC: return
    MarketBC->>-Lotus: return

A broken out, more intuitive diagram breaks the Lotus router out into its three independent call contexts.

    Lotus->>+MarketBC: swap(B, C)
    MarketBC-->>Lotus(1): transfer C
    MarketBC->>+Lotus(1): uniswapV3SwapCallback
    Lotus(1)->>+MarketAB: swap(A, B)
    MarketAB-->>Lotus(2): transfer B
    MarketAB->>+Lotus(2): uniswapV3SwapCallback
    Lotus(2)-->>MarketAB: transfer A
    Lotus(2)-->>MarketBC: transfer B
    Lotus(2)->>-MarketAB: return
    MarketAB->>-Lotus(1): return
    Lotus(1)->>-MarketBC: return
    MarketBC->>-Lotus: return

Uniswap V3 Flash

  • Lotus calls flash on MarketAB
    • MarketAB transfers TokenA to Lotus, if any was requested
    • MarketAB transfers TokenB to Lotus, if any was requested
    • MarketAB back into Lotus with uniswapV3FlashCallback
      • Lotus transfers TokenA to MarketAB, if any was taken
      • Lotus transfers TokenB to MarketAB, if any was taken
    Lotus->>+MarketAB: flash
    MarketAB-->>Lotus: transfer A
    MarketAB-->>Lotus: transfer B
    MarketAB->>+Lotus: uniswapV3FlashCallback
    Lotus-->>MarketAB: transfer A
    Lotus-->>MarketAB: transfer B
    Lotus->>-MarketAB: return
    MarketAB->>-Lotus: return

A broken out, more intuitive diagram breaks the Lotus router out into its two independent call contexts.

    Lotus->>+MarketAB: flash
    MarketAB-->>Lotus(1): transfer A
    MarketAB-->>Lotus(1): transfer B
    MarketAB->>+Lotus(1): uniswapV3FlashCallback
    Lotus(1)-->>MarketAB: transfer A
    Lotus(1)-->>MarketAB: transfer B
    Lotus(1)->>-MarketAB: return
    MarketAB->>-Lotus: return

Encoding Scheme

The encoding scheme reduces all statically sized values to their smallest size, in bytes, and prefixes them with an 8 bit integer indicating the truncated byte length. All dynamically sized values are prefixed with only a 32 bit length of the data. There are no offsets in this encoding scheme, so objects are parsed in order with a pointer incrementing continuously while parsing.

<action> ::=
  | ("0x00")
  | ("0x01" . <swap_uni_v2>)
  | ("0x02" . <swap_uni_v3>)
  | ("0x03" . <flash_uni_v3>)
  | ("0x04" . <transfer_erc20>)
  | ("0x05" . <transfer_from_erc20>)
  | ("0x06" . <transfer_from_erc721>)
  | ("0x07" . <transfer_erc6909>)
  | ("0x08" . <transfer_from_erc6909>)
  | ("0x09" . <deposit_weth>)
  | ("0x0a" . <withdraw_weth>)
  | ("0x0b" . <dyn_call>) ;

<swap_uni_v2> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <pair_byte_len_u8>
  . <pair>
  . <amount0_out_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount0_out>
  . <amount1_out_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount1_out>
  . <to_out_byte_len_u8>
  . <to_out>
  . <data_byte_len_u32>
  . <data> ;

<swap_uni_v3> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <pool_byte_len_u8>
  . <pool>
  . <recipient_byte_len_u8>
  . <recipient>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <amount_specified_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount_specified>
  . <sqrt_price_limit_x96_byte_len_u8>
  . <sqrt_price_limit_x96>
  . <data_byte_len_u32>
  . <data> ;

<flash_uni_v3> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <pool_byte_len_u8>
  . <pool>
  . <recipient_byte_len_u8>
  . <recipient>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <amount0_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount0>
  . <amount1_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount1>
  . <data_byte_len_u32>
  . <data> ;

<transfer_erc20> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <token_byte_len_u8>
  . <token>
  . <receiver_byte_len_u8>
  . <receiver>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <amount_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount> ;

<transfer_from_erc20> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <token_byte_len_u8>
  . <token>
  . <sender_byte_len_u8>
  . <sender>
  . <receiver_byte_len_u8>
  . <receiver>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <amount_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount> ;

<transfer_from_erc721> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <token_byte_len_u8>
  . <token>
  . <sender_byte_len_u8>
  . <sender>
  . <receiver_byte_len_u8>
  . <receiver>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <token_id_byte_len_u8>
  . <token_id> ;

<transfer_erc6909> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <token_byte_len_u8>
  . <token>
  . <receiver_byte_len_u8>
  . <receiver>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <token_id_byte_len_u8>
  . <token_id>
  . <amount_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount> ;

<transfer_from_erc6909> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <token_byte_len_u8>
  . <token>
  . <sender_byte_len_u8>
  . <sender>
  . <receiver_byte_len_u8>
  . <receiver>
  . <zero_for_one_bool>
  . <token_id_byte_len_u8>
  . <token_id>
  . <amount_byte_len_u8>
  . <amount> ;

<deposit_weth> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <weth_byte_len_u8>
  . <weth>
  . <value_byte_len_u8>
  . <value> ;

<withdraw_weth> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <weth_byte_len_u8>
  . <weth>
  . <value_byte_len_u8>
  . <value> ;

<dyn_call> ::=
  . <can_fail_bool>
  . <target_byte_len_u8>
  . <target>
  . <value_byte_len_u8>
  . <value>
  . <data_byte_len_u32>
  . <data> ;

As an example, the following is a representation of making a Uniswap V2 Swap call with some arbitrary data appended to the end.

bool canFail = false;
address pair = address(0xB4e16d0168e52d35CaCD2c6185b44281Ec28C9Dc);
uint256 amount0Out = 1 ether;
uint256 amount1Out = 0;
address to = address(0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266);
bytes memory data = "deadbeef";

// Solidity representation

// Solidity ABI
// length: 288 bytes

022c0d9f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // UniV2Pair.swap.selector
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // canFail
000000000000000000000000b4e16d0168e52d35cacd2c6185b44281ec28c9dc  // pair
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000  // amount0Out
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // amount1Out
000000000000000000000000f39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266  // to
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0  // data.offset
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008  // data.length
6465616462656566000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // data

BBCEncoder.encodeSwapUniV2(canFail, pair, amount0Out, amount1Out, to, data);

// length: 66 bytes

01                                        // Action.SwapUniV2
00                                        // canFail
14                                        // pair byte length
b4e16d0168e52d35cacd2c6185b44281ec28c9dc  // pair bytes
08                                        // amount0Out byte length
0de0b6b3a7640000                          // amount0Out bytes
00                                        // amount1Out byte length
14                                        // to byte length
f39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266  // to bytes
00000008                                  // data byte length
6465616462656566                          // data bytes


A free and open source, reasonably optimized router smart contract.







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