feat: split builds for better native support
feat: split builds for better native support
chore: removed deprecated plugin in favor of browserify-webpack-plugin
chore: removed deprecated plugin in favor of browserify-webpack-plugin
improve: mirror utility input and output
improve: mirror utility input and output
improve: tests for the mirror utility
improve: tests for the mirror utility
feat: mirror utility api to handle testing and inspection
feat: mirror utility api to handle testing and inspection
fix: patched memfs stream api read to correctly handle detached buffers
fix: patched memfs stream api read to correctly handle detached buffers
feat: standard buffer api compat + callback and streaming apis
feat: standard buffer api compat + callback and streaming apis
improve: raise the hard size limit to 256MB to be anything practical
improve: raise the hard size limit to 256MB to be anything practical
feat: webpack plugin and (de)compression api
feat: webpack plugin and (de)compression api
chore: update docs on initialization and usage
chore: update docs on initialization and usage
Force push
chore: update docs on initialization and usage
chore: update docs on initialization and usage
chore: setup in browser karma testing + fixed rust metadata
chore: setup in browser karma testing + fixed rust metadata
Force push
chore: setup in browser karma testing + fixed rust metadata
chore: setup in browser karma testing + fixed rust metadata
Force push
chore: setup in browser karma testing + fixed rust metadata
chore: setup in browser karma testing + fixed rust metadata
fix: "process" undefined in browser runtime
fix: "process" undefined in browser runtime
Force push
fix: "process" undefined in browser runtime
fix: "process" undefined in browser runtime
Force push
fix: "process" undefined in browser runtime
fix: "process" undefined in browser runtime
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
Force push
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
Force push
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
Force push
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
Force push
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
feat: initial commit, separated from monolith into its own repo
Force push