Scout or Simple C with Objects Unit Test is a super-simple library for very basic Unit Testing, it's very few lines of code (C++11 required).
It's designed for Unit Test with assertion, and can produce a formatted output on a general std::ostream
Automatic tests discovery: you have to define the test only once in your code, the API takes care of the rest.
Test family and single test disabling: is possiblo to disable one test, or en entire suite with the tag
before the test name or the family name. -
Automatic test grouping: all the test are grouped by family and executed in family definition order, even if the definition order is not consecutive.
A very basic example:
#include "scout.hpp"
SCOUT_DEFINE_TEST(TestFamily, ExampleTest){
With SCOUT_DEFINE_TEST(test_family, test_name)
you can produce a test named test_name.
For now scout have only two type of assertion SCOUT_AssertTrue
and SCOUT_AssertFalse
You can disable a single test with:
// ...
or a test family with the same tag:
// ...
If you disable a family all the tests of its class are disabled.
For running all the tests:
int main(){
return 0;
This is an example of the output produced:
[==========] Simple C with Object Unit Test - SCOUT
[----------] Executing FAMILY [FirstFamily].
[ RUN ] Executing TEST <FirstTest>.
[ PASSED ] Executed 4 expression correctly.
[----------] Test family completed.
[----------] Executing FAMILY [SecondFamily].
[ RUN ] Executing TEST <SecondTest>.
[ERROR] Failed AssertTrue(1==2) in line: 15.
[ERROR] Failed AssertTrue(2==1) in line: 16.
[ERROR] Failed AssertFalse(1==1) in line: 18.
[ERROR] Failed AssertFalse(2==2) in line: 19.
[ FAILED ] Failed 4 expression out of 4 in <SecondTest>.
[ RUN ] Executing TEST <ThirdTest>.
[ PASSED ] Executed 10 expression correctly.
[----------] Test family completed.
[ ALERT ] Test FAMILY [ThirdFamily] DISABLED.
[==========] REPORT: FAILED 1 TEST OUT OF 3.
- Add timing feature with