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TypeScript Implementation of Acorn Agent

This is the TypeScript implementation of Acorn Agent which provides the libraries you need to implement an AI agent.

Getting Started

Install package

npm i @datasqrl/acorn

You can use both require and import syntax

const { createToolsFromApiUri } = require("@datasqrl/acorn");
// or
import { createToolsFromApiUri } from "@datasqrl/acorn";

To create a converter follow the example below

import { convertSchema } from "@datasqrl/acorn";
// load your graphQL schema from somewhere
const graphQlSchemaString = "...";
// You need to implement `APIQueryExecutor` interface to query and validate APIQuery
// Or use existing `FetchApiQueryExecutor` provided by package
const apiExecutor = new MyApiQueryExecutor();

// your functions are here
const functions = convertSchema(graphQlSchemaString, apiExecutor);

Use cases