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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Password manager for iOS and Android using age-encryption and git. The layout of the git repository that kage expects can be setup with:

tools/repoinit $NAME

Only the iOS version supports modifying the password store on device, for Android all changes to the password store are made remotely and fetched.

To use the password store on macOS/Linux etc. you can write a basic wrapper yourself or use passage:


The client only fetches passwords over git://:

git daemon --base-path="$NAME" \
           --verbose \
           --export-all \
           --reuseaddr \

To enable anonymous pushing(!) pass --enable=receive-pack, this is not relevant for the Android client since it does not support making local changes.

Development notes

Core library

# Start git-daemon for unit tests
./tools/serverdevel -d unit

# To show stdout/stderr: cargo test -- --nocapture
(cd core && cargo test)

# Run tests with coverage information
cargo install cargo-llvm-cov
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
(cd core && cargo llvm-cov --html)


Unit tests can be ran from within Xcode, the tests expect the development server to be running on localhost

./tools/serverdevel -d unit


To build for Android you need to download a NDK manually.

  1. Download the ndk: sdkmanager 'ndk;$VERSION'
  2. Set export NDK_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/Sdk/ndk/$VERSION (macOS)
  3. Build the library and app
(cd android && ./tools/
(cd android && ./gradlew build assembleRelease)
# => android/build/outputs/apk/release/kage-release.apk