Here's my personal site:
- LintaoAmons/bookmarks.nvim - Persistent bookmarks: hard disk of your thoughts (1 week ago)
- LintaoAmons/kulala-http-runable-demo - (1 week ago)
- LintaoAmons/cd-project.nvim - I tried quite a lot
Project Management
plugins. In the end, I found all I need is just an easier way tocd
to another project directory. (2 weeks ago) - LintaoAmons/context-menu.nvim - (4 weeks ago)
- yetone/avante.nvim - Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE! (1 month ago)
- heyvaldemar/keycloak-traefik-letsencrypt-docker-compose - Keycloak with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose (today)
- glanceapp/glance - A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place (2 days ago)
- pamburus/hl - A fast and powerful log viewer and processor that translates JSON logs or logfmt logs into a pretty human-readable format. (1 week ago)
- Ramilito/kubectl.nvim (v1.14.3, 6 days ago) - ⎈ Streamline your Kubernetes management within Neovim—control and monitor your cluster seamlessly, all without leaving your coding environment.
- LintaoAmons/bookmarks.nvim (v2.9.1, 1 week ago) - Persistent bookmarks: hard disk of your thoughts
- LintaoAmons/cd-project.nvim (v0.9.1, 2 weeks ago) - I tried quite a lot
Project Management
plugins. In the end, I found all I need is just an easier way tocd
to another project directory.
Say Hello, I don't bite!
- Wechat: CateFat
- Email:
- Comment at my site:
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