A complete solution for deploying and managing a personal VPN service using AWS, created during a sabbatical in Taipei. The project demonstrates the potential of AI-assisted development, with nearly all code generated using ChatGPT and Claude.
Note: Complete chat transcripts creating this project are included
graph TB
subgraph iPhone["iPhone"]
App["VPN Control App"]
(API Key Storage)`"]
subgraph AWS["AWS Cloud"]
subgraph API["API Layer"]
APIG["API Gateway"]
subgraph APIK["Authorization"]
APIKey["API Key"]
Lambda["Lambda Function"]
subgraph VPC["VPC ("]
subgraph PublicSubnet["Public Subnet ("]
EC2["`EC2 Instance
(OpenVPN Server)`"]
EIP["Elastic IP"]
IGW["Internet Gateway"]
SG["`Security Group
- UDP 1194 (VPN)
- TCP 22 (SSH)`"]
subgraph IAM["IAM"]
Role["Lambda IAM Role"]
subgraph Internet["Internet"]
Client["VPN Client"]
%% App connections
App -->|"HTTPS API Requests"| APIG
App <-->|"Store/Retrieve"| Keychain
%% API Layer connections
APIG -->|"Validate"| APIK
APIG -->|"Invoke"| Lambda
Lambda -->|"Start/Stop/Status"| EC2
Lambda <-->|"Assume"| Role
%% VPC connections
EC2 <-->|"Attach"| EIP
EC2 -->|"Use"| SG
PublicSubnet -->|"Route"| IGW
IGW -->|"Internet Access"| Internet
%% Client connections
Client <-->|"VPN Traffic UDP 1194"| EIP
%% Styles
classDef aws fill:#FF9900,stroke:#232F3E,color:black;
classDef service fill:#7AA116,stroke:#232F3E,color:black;
classDef network fill:#3F8624,stroke:#232F3E,color:white;
classDef security fill:#DD344C,stroke:#232F3E,color:white;
classDef client fill:#3B48CC,stroke:#232F3E,color:white;
class AWS aws;
class APIG,Lambda,EC2,EIP service;
class VPC,PublicSubnet,IGW network;
class SG,Role,APIKey,Keychain security;
class App,Client client;
This project consists of three main components, each in its own repository:
1. vpn-infra-tf
Infrastructure as Code for the VPN server:
- AWS VPC and networking
- EC2 instance with OpenVPN
- Security groups and access controls
- Terraform configuration
Serverless control interface:
- AWS API Gateway
- Lambda function
- EC2 instance management
- Security and monitoring
iOS mobile application:
- SwiftUI-based interface
- Real-time status monitoring
- Secure API key storage
- Start/Stop controls
- Deploy Infrastructure:
git clone git@github.com:TerrorTunnels/vpn-infra-tf.git
cd vpn-infra-tf
# Follow README instructions
- Set up API:
git clone git@github.com:TerrorTunnels/vpn-control-api.git
cd vpn-control-api
# Follow README instructions
- Configure iOS App:
git clone git@github.com:TerrorTunnels/VPNControl-ios.git
cd vpncontrol-ios
# Follow README instructions
Each repository contains detailed setup instructions and documentation. The typical workflow is:
- Deploy infrastructure using Terraform
- Configure API Gateway and Lambda function
- Build and deploy iOS app
- Configure app with API endpoint and key
Contributions are welcome to any of the repositories! Please read the individual contribution guidelines in each repository.
- ✅ Infrastructure: Production-ready
- ✅ API: Production-ready
- ✅ iOS App: Production-ready
All repositories are licensed under the MIT License.
- AWS for the cloud infrastructure
- OpenVPN for the VPN software
- ChatGPT and Claude for code generation
- Full chats transcripts
- VPN infra GenAI_chats/vpn-infra
- REST API GenAI_chats/api-setup
- iOS app GenAI_chats/ios-app
- Full chats transcripts
- The Swift and iOS developer community
For questions or suggestions, please open an issue in the relevant repository.