I'm a passionate GNU/Linux
enthusiast and a first-year Information Security (IS) student, completely in love with Arch Linux
. My daily driver is Hyprland
on Arch
❤️❤️❤️🐧🐧🐧 :p
As a ricing enthusiast, I enjoy customizing my desktop to make it look cool. You can check out my dotfiles here.
我係一個由小學就開始自學 tech 既香港人。鍾意我寫嘅 side project 可以俾粒星星我。我會好開心 :)
If you appreciate my work, consider supporting me on Ko-fi! :D
I am currently preparing for the OSCP and CompTIA Linux+ certifications.
I started my journey with GNU/Linux at the age of 13, and I now have over 7 years of experience. I'm self-taught and passionate about learning new technical skills. Currently, I'm particularly interested in ethical hacking and GNU/Linux. :p
I used to be really into topics related to Windows, Android, game development, and game hacking on Windows. But honestly, I’m not interested in those anymore—Windows sucks, and I’m all about Linux now. I’m too busy with Linux to bother with Android or game development; they just feel boring to me now.
I spent years focusing on those skills, so I’ll just mention them here as part of my past. But right now, my passion is all about Linux and ethical hacking!
The best way to reach me outside of my friend circle is via email or GPG key. Feel free to send me an email at hi@ummit.dev
or connect with me using my public key:
For a website containing all my social links and other stuff, please visit: