Scriptable cross-platform data terminal which supports: serial port, UDP, TCP, SPI, I2C and CAN.
Small and simple software for plotting data from serial port in realtime.
A serial port assistant that can be used directly in the browser.
A comic app built with Flutter, supporting multiple comic sources.
CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10/Win11 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!
A digital logic designer and circuit simulator.
btdig / dhtcrawler2
Forked from kevinlynx/dhtcrawler2dhtcrawler is a DHT crawler written in erlang. It can join a DHT network and crawl many P2P torrents. The program save all torrent info into database and provide an http interface to search a torre…
clash for windows汉化版. 提供clash for windows的汉化版, 汉化补丁及汉化版安装程序
A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.
mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于Spring Boot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
Official electron build of
得意黑 Smiley Sans:一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找平衡的中文黑体
📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
🎈 Updated daily! A list of popular BitTorrent Trackers! / 每天更新!全网热门 BT Tracker 列表!
[Unofficial] qBittorrent Enhanced, based on qBittorrent
Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python…
「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs,…
C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.