🚀 Full-Stack Developer | Open Source Enthusiast | Performance Optimization Geek
I am a passionate developer dedicated to building high-performance and user-friendly software. I thrive on solving complex problems and optimizing systems to run faster and more efficiently.
- 🛠️ Author of File-Engine — A powerful file search tool designed for efficiency and speed.
- 🚀 New Project: Aiverything | Launcher to your everything. — Aiverything. A GPU-accelerated file search & launcher tool with an improved UI, stronger search performance, and more features.
- 📖 Sharing my knowledge and insights on my blog: xuanxu23333.github.io
🔹 Java | C/C++ | Rust | SpringBoot
🔹 JavaScript | Vue | React
Database & Tools:
🔹 SQLite | MySQL | PostgreSQL | Redis
🔹 Docker | Git | CI/CD
✔️ Develop high-performance backend services
✔️ Build scalable full-stack applications
✔️ Contribute to open-source projects
✔️ Explore low-level optimizations in C++ and Rust
💬 I’m always open to discussing new ideas and collaboration opportunities. Feel free to check out my repositories or reach out!