This PPX extension provides big array literals in OCaml.
opam install ppx_bigarray
Development version:
opam pin add ppx_deriving
ocamlfind ocamlc -package bigarray,ppx_bigarray -linkpkg
outputs code that depends on the runtime library ppx_bigarray.runtime
If you use Dune (jbuilder), dune
file is like
(libraries ppx_bigarray.runtime)
(preprocess (pps ppx_bigarray))
is a two-dimensional big array that has size 3-by-4, kind
and layout Bigarray.c_layout
let x = [
[11; 12; 13; 14];
[21; 22; 23; 24];
[31; 32; 33; 34];
] in
print_int x.{1,2} (* print "23" *)
In this code, elements of a big array are given as a list of lists, but you can use an array of arrays:
let x = [
[|11; 12; 13; 14|];
[|21; 22; 23; 24|];
[|31; 32; 33; 34|];
] in
print_int x.{1,2} (* print "23" *)
is a syntax of big array literals. ELEMENTS
must have a syntax of a list literal ([...]
) or an array literal ([|...|]
You cannot give an expression that returns a list or an array (such as
let x = [...] in [ x]
) since [ ...]
is NOT
the function that converts a list or an array into a big array.
is a one-dimensional big array (that has typeBigarray.Array1.t
is a list or an array.[%bigarray2.KIND.LAYOUT ELEMENTS]
is a two-dimensional big array (that has typeBigarray.Array2.t
is a list of lists or an array of arrays.[%bigarray3.KIND.LAYOUT ELEMENTS]
is a three-dimensional big array (that has typeBigarray.Array3.t
is a list of lists of lists or an array of arrays of arrays.[%bigarray.KIND.LAYOUT ELEMENTS]
is a multi-dimensional big array (that has typeBigarray.Genarray.t
is a nested list or a nested array.
You can specify the following identifiers as KIND
Corresponding big array kind |
int8_signed or sint8 |
Bigarray.int8_signed |
int8_unsigned or uint8 |
Bigarray.int8_unsigned |
int16_signed or sint16 |
Bigarray.int16_signed |
int16_unsigned or uint16 |
Bigarray.int16_unsigned |
int32 |
Bigarray.int32 |
int64 |
Bigarray.int64 |
int | |
nativeint |
Bigarray.nativeint |
float32 |
Bigarray.float32 |
float64 |
Bigarray.float64 |
complex32 |
Bigarray.complex32 |
complex64 |
Bigarray.complex64 |
char |
Bigarray.char |
otherwise | (to refer the variable that has a given name as a kind) |
Corresponding big array layout |
c or c_layout |
Bigarray.c_layout |
fortran or fortran_layout |
Bigarray.fortran_layout |
otherwise | (to refer the variable that has a given name as a layout) |
"otherwise" in the above tables means that users can specify user-defined names of kinds and layouts in addition to built-in names, like the following code:
let f32 = Bigarray.float32
let f = Bigarray.fortran_layout
let x = [%bigarray1.f32.f [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]] (* Use `f32' and `f' instead of
float32 and fortran_layout, respectively. *)
Big arrays of two or more dimensions need to be rectangular.
If you write a non-rectangular big array literal, by default, ppx_bigarray
it in compile time (Warning 22), and lacked elements are uninitialized.
You can explicitly specify padding, a value of lacked elements by
[@bigarray.padding EXPRESSION]
let x = [
[11; 12; 13; 14];
[21; 22; 23];
[31; 32];
] [@bigarray.padding 0]
In this case, lacked elements are initialized by 0
, i.e., the above code
is the same as
let x = [
[11; 12; 13; 14];
[21; 22; 23; 0];
[31; 32; 0; 0];
inhibits the warnings for non-rectangular big array literals.
[%bigarray.KIND.LAYOUT ...]
is slightly verbose syntax because
we usually use a few combinations of big array kinds and layouts.
You can define aliases of pairs of a kind and a layout that
you frequently use as follows:
(* `z' is an alias of complex64.fortran_layout. *)
let ppx_bigarray__z = Ppx_bigarray_runtime.({
kind = Bigarray.complex64;
layout = Bigarray.fortran_layout;
(* %bigarray1.z is the same as %bigarray1.complex64.fortran_layout. *)
let x = [%bigarray1.z [...]]
[%bigarray.ALIAS ...]
refers ppx_bigarray__ALIAS.Ppx_bigarray_runtime.kind
as a kind, and ppx_bigarray__ALIAS.Ppx_bigarray_runtime.layout
as a layout.