This project is a WIP.
Add CLI format command (mpremote).- Add --directory option to CLI export command.
- Add CLI transfer command (mpremote).
- Add [tool.picoproject] pyproject.toml command configuration.
This package was designed to facilitate MicroPython project management for the Raspberry Pi Pico W. Currently the following functionality is implemented:
- Compilation of project files to MicroPython binary (.mpy).
- Installation of MicroPython packages into a projects local
directory. - Export of project files for distribution to a Pico device.
- Formatting connected Pico device filesystem.
By installing packages locally, an IDE can highlight parameters/docstrings of imported modules. The CLI compile command can compile these packages along with your project files to MicroPython binary files (optional) and export them ready for distribution to a connected Pico device.
This CLI expects a 'flat' or 'src' layout in order to identify project paths. A '.picoproject' file in the root directory can be used to help denote your projects root directory and specify CLI config settings.
├── .picoproject <-- Optional CLI root directory marker & config
├── project_name
│ ├── lib <-- CLI install command requires a 'lib' directory
│ └──
├── pyproject.toml
├── .picoproject <-- Optional CLI root directory marker & config
├── src
│ └── project_name
│ ├── lib <-- CLI install command requires a 'lib' directory
│ └──
├── pyproject.toml
LICENSE, pyproject.toml & are used as project root markers in the absence of a .picoproject file in the project root directory.
Activate your project virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
If installing with pip instead of uv:
(project) python -m pip install git+
This project has defined a CLI script in the [project.scripts]
table of pyproject.toml, resulting in the ability to run the CLI with the following command:
(project) uv run CLI
You can run the CLI as a module:
(project) python -m picoproject.main
You can use the command 'CLI' in an activated .venv:
(project) CLI
By default, when running the CLI without a command and options, the help is displayed.
The CLI navigates the MicroPython package index to install the chosen packages. These packages are installed in
the project's local lib/
directory instead of a microcontroller device. This facilitates IDE autocompletion
and parsing of docstring information whilst developing locally.
(project) CLI install --help
The install command currently only downloads the most recent version of a package.
It is possible to specify the install directory using the --directory option. The following command would install the umqtt.simple package to the current working directory:
(project) CLI install umqtt.simple --directory .
If the project does not have a 'lib/' directory and a --directory option path is not specified, then the install command will fail. The error message will indicate a missing expected 'lib/' path in relation to the project's root directory.
The CLI uses the mpy-cross package to compile Python to MicroPython precompiled binary (.mpy).
(project) CLI compile --help
By default, all Python files will be compiled on issuing the CLI compile command:
(project) CLI compile
The CLI creates an export/
directory within the project root folder, and exports all project files
to this directory. By default all files are exported, but a precompiled only option causes the export
of only precompiled binary files. Any Python files not previously precompiled are compiled and
exported automatically.
(project) CLI export --help
To export all Python and MicroPython precompiled files, run the export command without the --compiled-only option.
(project) CLI export
Directory trees are displayed for the main project and the export target directory for comparison. Any project files that were not exported are highlighted in red/strikethrough.
With the --precompiled option, the export command will only export precompiled Python files and will attempt to compile and export if no existing compiled version is found. The directory trees and console output will highlight all files within the main project folder, which have not been exported.
In the example image below, The --precompiled option is used and as none of the project files had been previously compiled, the compilation steps were carried out by the CLI compile command. All compilation tasks were completed except for 'utils/'. The exportation progress shows that export of Python files was skipped and highlights the compilation error for the aforementioned file. As the compilation failed, the Python version of the file 'utils/' was exported. The red/strikethrough for this file in the exported files tree shows that a Python file was exported even though the --precompiled was set.
This command formats the entire filesystem of the connected Pico. It uses mpremote to execute the following MicroPython script on the connected device:
import os, machine, rp2
bdev = rp2.Flash()
os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(bdev, progsize=256)
vfs = os.VfsLfs2(bdev, progsize=256)
os.mount(vfs, '/')
A manual example using mpremote is shown below:
(project) mpremote exec --no-follow "import os, machine, rp2; os.umount('/'); bdev = rp2.Flash(); os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(bdev, progsize=256); vfs = os.VfsLfs2(bdev, progsize=256); os.mount(vfs, '/'); machine.reset()"