Tiliqua is a powerful, open hardware FPGA-based audio multitool for Eurorack. It looks like this:
For updates, subscribe to the Crowd Supply page, join the matrix chatroom, or my own mailing list.
has a Matrix channel, #apfaudio:matrix.org. Feel free to join to ask questions or discuss ongoing development.
Participants in this project are expected to adhere to the Berlin Code of Conduct.
This project would be nothing without the hard work of many (awesome) open-source projects. An exhaustive list would take pages, here I mention only a crucial subset:
- Python-based HDL and SoC framework: The Amaranth HDL and Amaranth SoC projects.
- USB and SoC gateware: The LUNA and Cynthion projects.
- RISCV softcore: The VexRiscv and SpinalHDL projects
- USB audio gateware and descriptors: The adat-usb2-audio-interface project.
- Some gateware (e.g. I2C state machines) are inherited from the Glasgow project.
- Audio interface and gateware: my existing eurorack-pmod project.
- SID emulation gateware: reDIP-SID
- The "mi-plaits-dsp-rs" project: mi-plaits-dsp
- The "pico-dirtyJtag" project forms a big chunk of the RP2040 firmware pico-dirtyJtag
We would like to acknowledge partial funding of the Tiliqua project from the NGI Commons Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet program.
The hardware and gateware in this project is largely covered under the CERN Open-Hardware License V2 CERN-OHL-S, mirrored in the LICENSE text in this repository. Some gateware and software is covered under the BSD 3-clause license - check the header of the individual source files for specifics.
Copyright (C) 2024 Sebastian Holzapfel
The above LICENSE and copyright notice do NOT apply to imported artifacts in this repository (i.e datasheets, third-party footprints), or dependencies released under a different (but compatible) open-source license.
As an addendum to the above license: if you create or manufacture your own derivative hardware, the name apf.audio
, the names of any apf.audio
products and the names of the authors, are not to be used in derivative hardware or marketing materials, except where obligated for attribution and for retaining the above copyright notice.
For example, your 3U adaptation of "apf.audio Tiliqua" could be called "Gizzard Modular - Lizardbobulator".