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Tags: baetheus/fun




This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
feat: manually pull 2.0 changes from local fossil copy

This is technically may commits squashed into one. I am moving away from fossil
to a simple self-hosted git server and jujutsu as the standard commit tool. I'll
also keep the github remote up to date going forward. This should be a complete,
test passing commit.


chore: fix formatting on README

FossilOrigin-Name: 3513ab7bea64415a0589f95f2e79d20aac8905cfe6a49cafdd1bfc238f77ed0a


chore: more github action tweaking

FossilOrigin-Name: ebcf86ff528797b31fad69da36129955d5f5063f20af50248c8806c0f7413ff8


chore: update deno target version in github actions

Target deno 1.36.0

FossilOrigin-Name: 4211e6ff292728e4ad7bb12ed12e219c996b3e17bcc96ba4f123fa0cf98228c6


feat: switch to pragmatic type class names

This is a big dumb commit where I dropped all of the Category Theory naming for
more intuitive names for all of the algebraic structures. I also dropped almost
all of the intermediate structures such as Chain, Apply, Extend, etc. Structures
that I never abstracted over have been removed. This includes Semigroupoid,
Category, Extend, Comonad. Some of these may return in future versions if there
is demand or I find a solid use case.

In short, this commit is paradoxical. On the one hand all of the naming and
simplification changes were made to make fun more approachable and intuitive. On
the other hand I find that I have less time for programming that ever before so
interacting with these supposed new users is unlikely.

That said, these changes have been in the backlog for awhile and are finally up.
With the exception of some deno misfires on coverage reporting I've pushed test
coverage to 100%.

The next bit of work is to go through all of the algebraic data structures and
fill any features holes where an algebraic structure can be implemented or a
getter for an algebraic structure can be implemented.

FossilOrigin-Name: f46fc828a564c727414299c786ee8192e6734b59eba36226e091cc830edef291


feat: more comments and update mod.ts

Added comments to async_either.ts, these are still incomplete.
Ran './scripts/mod.ts > mod.ts'.
Some minor changes in optics.ts and examples/category.ts.

FossilOrigin-Name: a8e52682c34d9ea04bebf2a9955a0fc607cabee996384e038d11a318162ae469


feat: readied decoder.ts for 2.0 release

merged decode_error.ts and decoder.ts.
added various typeclass instances to decoder.ts.
added generic zip function array.ts.
modified schemable to be more ergonomic to use.

FossilOrigin-Name: e04830c5599b64af052720516707c2a7ba71bb2554b05b7aa3f0403b81d600f6


fix: update deno dep in flake and fix new type errors for records.

FossilOrigin-Name: 726973bd4efde5b03443afef9235d3daad8e3ead66b141ccee6828a196852608


feat: prepared optics.ts for 2.0 release

FossilOrigin-Name: 8cd610b584eabbd80c959b4e854222ea68999a8a3c89284069a3a259b81f55be


feat: readied refinement.ts for 2.0 release.

removed iso.ts and tests from fun.
added Reviewer type to optics.ts.
implemented iso and prism view Viewer and Reviewer in optics.ts.

FossilOrigin-Name: 233e99ded5a3a6ebddf67ce641bc4226758b9a14fce13cb83c519d1cbe9f88a3