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Accessing the content of ZIP files. This FUSE filesystem texpands ZIP files like folders

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% ZIPsFS(1)


ZIPsFS — FUSE-based overlay union file system expanding ZIP files


ZIPsFS [ZIPsFS-options] path-of-root1 path-of-root2 path-of-root3 : [fuse-options] mount-point

Example 1

ZIPsFS ~/tmp/ZIPsFS/writable ~/local/file/tree //computer1/pub //computer2/pub : -f -o allow_other ~/mnt/ZIPsFS



ZIPsFS acts as a union or overlay file system. It combines multiple file structures into one, resulting in a single directory structure that contains underlying files and sub-directories from the given sources. Created or modified files are stored in the first file location. The other file sources are read-only and files will never be modified. ZIPsFS expands ZIP files as folders. Normally, the folder name is formed from the ZIP file name by appending ".Contents/". This can be changed with rules based on file name patterns. Extensive configuration is possible without interrupting the file system. Specific features and performance tweaks meet our needs for storing large data from mass spectrometry experiments.


The default behavior can be modified with rules based on file names in ZIPsFS_configuration.h and ZIPsFS_configuration.c. For changes to take effect, re-compilation and restart is necessary. Using the -s symlink option, the configuration can be changed without interrupting the file system. Ongoing computations with file access to the ZIPsFS are not affected.

Union / overlay file system

ZIPsFS is a union or overlay file system. Several file locations are combined to one. All files in the source file trees (in above example command three sources) can be accessed via the mount point (in the example ~/mnt/ZIPsFS). When files are created or modified, they will be stored in the first file tree (in the example ~/tmp/ZIPsFS/writable). If files exist in two locations, the left most source file system takes precedence.

New files are created in the first file tree, while the other file sources are never modified. If an empty string "" or '' is given for the first source, no writable source is used.

ZIP files

Let be a ZIP file in any of the source file systems. It will appear in the virtual file system together with a folder Normally, the folder name is formed by appending ".Content" to the zip file name. This can be changed in ZIPsFS_configuration.c.

For example Sciex mass spectrometry software requires that the containing files are shown directly in the file listing rather than in a sub-folder. Bruker mass spectrometry software expects folder names ending with .d rather than .d.Zip.Content.


Optionally, ZIPsFS can read certain ZIP entries entirely into RAM and provide the data from the RAM copy at higher speed. This may improve performance for compressed ZIP entries that are read from varying positions in a file, so-called file file-seek. This is particularly important, when the ZIP files reside in a remote file system. With the option -l an upper limit of memory consumption for the ZIP RAM cache is specified. There are customizeable rules for the case that the limit is reached.

Further caches aim at faster file listing of large directories. A file listing of the Sciex style where all ZIP entries of many ZIP files are shown would require to read the entry index of many ZIP files which takes about 15 ms per ZIP file. A file listing of several thousands of files would take several seconds without a cache.

When the cache size exceeds a limit, it is cleared.


It is convenient to run ZIPsFS in the foreground with option -f within a persistent terminal multiplexer like tmux. This allows to observe all messages and to search back in the scroll buffer.

In addition, log files are found in ~/.ZIPsFS/.

An HTML file with status information is dynamically generated in the generated folder /ZIPsFS/ in the virtual ZIPsFS file system.

Real file location

To see the real file path i.e. the file path where a file is physically stored, append @SOURCE.TXT to the virtual file path. From a Windows client, these files are not accessible. In Windows, files are generally not accessible, when they are not listed in the parent folder.

Plugins - Auto-generation of virtual files

ZIPsFS can display virtual files which do not exist, but which are generated automatically when used. This feature is activated when WITH_AUTOGEN is set to 1 in ZIPsFS_configuration.h. The first file root may be used to store the generated files. Alternatively, the file data is computed and kept in RAM for the time of file access.

A typical use-case are file conversions. Auto-generated files are displayed in the virtual file tree in /ZIPsFS/a/. If they have not be used before, an estimated file size is reported as the real file size is not yet known.

The currently included examples demonstrate this feature and can serve as a templated for own settings.

For this purpose copy image or pdf files into one of the roots and visit the respective folder in the virtual file system. Prepend this folder with /ZIPsFS/a/ and you will see the generated files:

mnt=<path of mountpoint>

mkdir $mnt/test

cp file.png $mnt/test/

ls -l $mnt/ZIPsFS/a/test/
  • For image files (jpg, jpeg, png and gif), smaller versions of 25 % and 50 %
  • For image files extracted text usign Optical Character Recognition
  • For PDF files extracted ASCII text
  • For ZIP files the report of the consistency check including check-sums
  • Mass spectrometry files: They are converted to mgf (Mascot) and msML. For wiff files, the contained 16 bit text is converted to plain ASCII.
  • Apache Parquet files are converted to tsv and tsv.bz2

When opening these files for the first time there will be some delay. The same is true when their last-modified time changes. This is because the files need to be generated. When accessed a second time, the data comes without delay, because the file is already there. Furthermore, the file size will be correct.

Users can customize the rules in ZIPsFS_configuration_autogen.c. Some of the conversions require support for docker.

Limitations - unknown file size

The system does not know the file size of not-yet-generated files. This seems to be a common problem, see Any help is appreciated.

Initially, ZIPsFS reports an upper estimate of the expected file size. This breaks programs that need to know the exact file size such as /usr/bin/tail.

How is this problem solved in the virtual file systems /proc annd /sys? Calling stat /proc/$$/environ. Consider

ls -l /proc/self/environ

The reported file size is zero. Nevertheless, cat, more and even tail work. If the FUSE file system returns zero for a file, the content of the files are not readable. Any suggested appreciated.

Limitations - nested, recursive

Currently, nesting (recursion) is not yet supported. A virtual file cannot be the basis for another virtual file.

Some exotic scientific Windows executables cannot be started from a compiled program like ZIPsFS. The problem is that the Console API is used instead of terminal escape sequences. As a work around, we developed the shell script With each pass of an infinity loop one task is taken from a queue and processed. One file is converted at a time per script instance. Several instances of this shell script can run in parallel. In the settings, the symbol PLACEHOLDER_EXTERNAL_QUEUE is given instead of an executable program.

ZIPsFS Options


Prints brief usage information.

-l Maximum memory for caching ZIP-entries in the RAM

Specifies a limit for the cache. For example -l 8G would limit the size of the cache to 8 Gigabyte.


Policy for ZIP entries cached in RAM.

NEVER ZIP are never cached, even not in case of backward seek.
SEEK ZIP entries are cached when the file position jumps backward. This is the default
RULE ZIP entries are cached according to rules in configuration.c.
COMPRESSED All compressed ZIP entries are cached.
ALWAYS All ZIP entries are cached.

-s path-of-symbolic-link

After initialization the specified symlink is created and points to the mount point. Previously existing links are overwritten atomically. This allows to restart ZIPsFS without affecting running programs which access file in the virtual ZIPsFS file system. For file paths in the virtual file system, the symlink is used rather than the real mount-point. Consider a running ZIPsFS instance which needs to be replaced by a newer one. The new ZIPsFS instance is started with a different mount point. Both instances work simultaneously. The symlink which used to point to the mount point of the old instance is now pointing to that of the new one. The old instance should be let running for an hour or so until no file handle is open any more.

If the symlink is within an exported SAMBA or NFS path, it should be relative. This is best achieved by changing into the parent path where the symlink will be created. Then give just the name and not the entire path of the symlink. In the /etc/samba/smb.conf give:

follow symlinks = yes

Debug Options

See for activation of sanitizers.

-T Checks the capability to print a backtrace. This requires addr2line which is usually in /usr/bin/ of Linux and FreeBSD. For MacOSX, the tool atos is used.

FUSE Options


Run in foreground and display some logs at stdout. This mode is useful inside tmux.


Disable multi-threaded operation to rescue ZIPsFS in case of threading related bugs.

-o comma separated Options

-o allow_other

Other users can read the files

Fault management

When source file structures are stored remotely, there is a risk that they may be temporarily unavailable. Overlay file systems typically freeze when calls to the file API block. Conversely, ZIPsFS should continue to operate with the remaining file roots. This is implemented as follows for paths starting with double slash (in the example //computer1/pub). Double slash indicates remote paths which might get unavailable in analogy to remote UNC paths. ZIPsFS will periodically check file systems starting with a double slash. If the last responds was too long ago then the respective file system is skipped. Furthermore the stat() function to obtain the attributes for a file are queued to be performed in extra threads.

For files which are located in ZIP files and which are first loaded entirely into RAM, the system is also robust for interruptions and blocks during loading. The system will not freeze. After some longer time it will try to load the same file from another root or return ENOENT.

If loading of ZIP files fail, loading will be repeated after 1s.

For ZIP entries loaded entirely into the RAM, the CRC sum is validated and possible errors are logged.


  • ZIPsFS_configuration.h and ZIPsFS_configuration.c and ZIPsFS_configuration_autogen.c: Customizable rules. Modification requires recompilation.
  • ~/.ZIPsFS: Contains the log file and cache and the folder a. The later holds auto-generated files.



Hard-links are not implemented, while symlinks work.

Deleting files

Files can only be deleted when their physical location is in the first source. Conversely, in the FUSE file systems unionfs-fuse and fuse-overlayfs, files can be always deleted irrespectively of their physical location. They are canceled out without actually deleting them from their physical location. If you need the same behaviour please drop a request-for-feature.

Reading and writing

Simultaneous Reading and writing of files with the same file descriptor will only work for files exclusively in the writable source.


Current status: Testing and Bug fixing If ZIPsFS crashes, please send the stack-trace together with the version number.


Christoph Gille




However, we are still fixing minor bugs.


We use closed-source proprietary Windows software for reading huge experimental data from different types of mass spectrometry machines. Most data is eventually archived in a read-only WORM file system. With large file directories, access becomes slow particularly on Windows. To reduce the number of files and to record the CRC hash sum, all files of one mass spectrometry measurement are bundled in one ZIP. With less individual files search in the entire directory hierarchy takes less than 1 h. We hoped that files in ZIP files were easily accessible using pipes, named pipes or process substitution or unzipping. Unfortunately, these techiques did not work for us and mounting individual ZIP files was the only successful approach.

ZIPsFS has been developed to solve the following problems:

  • Recently the size of our experiments and thus the number of ZIP files grew enormously. Mounting thousands of individual ZIP files produces a very long /etc/mtab and puts strain on the OS.

  • Some proprietary software requires write access for files and their parent folders.

  • Mass spectrometry software do not read files sequentially. Instead bytes are read from varying file positions. This is particularly inefficient for compressed ZIP entries. The worst case is jumping backwards i.e. calling seek() with a negative value.

  • Experimental records are first stored in an intermediate storage and later after verification in the final archive. Consequently there are different places to look for a particular file.

  • Some proprietary software fires millions of redundant requests to the file system. This is a problem for remote files and mounted ZIP files.

some blue text some blue text

File tree with zip files on hard disk:
 ├── src
 │   ├── InstallablePrograms
 │   │   └──
 │   │   └──
 └── read-write
            ├── my-modified-text.txt
Virtual file tree presented by ZIPsFS:
 ├── InstallablePrograms
 │   ├──
 │   └──
 │       ├── help.html
 │       ├── program.dll
 │       └── program.exe
 │   ├──
 │   └──
 │       ├── my_text.tex
 │       ├── my_lit.bib
 │       ├── fig1.png
 │       └── fig2.png
The file tree can be adapted to specific needs by editing ZIPsFS_configuration.c. Our mass-spectrometry files are processed with special software. It expects a file tree in its original form i.e. as files would not have been zipped. Furthermore, write permission is required for files and containing folders while files are permanently stored and cannot be modified any more. The folder names need to be ".d" instead of ".d.Zip.Content". For Sciex (zenotof) machines, all files must be in one folder without intermediate folders.
File tree with zip files on our NAS server:
 ├── brukertimstof
 │   └── 202302
 │       ├── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_001.d.Zip
 │       ├── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_002.d.Zip
 │       └── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_003.d.Zip


│ └── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_099.d.Zip └── zenotof └── 202304 ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_001.wiff2.Zip ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_002.wiff2.Zip └── 270230402_hsapiens_Sample_003.wiff2.Zip ... └── 270230402_hsapiens_Sample_099.wiff2.Zip

Virtual file tree presented by ZIPsFS:
 ├── brukertimstof
 │   └── 202302
 │       ├── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_001.d
 │       │   ├── analysis.tdf
 │       │   └── analysis.tdf_bin
 │       ├── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_002.d
 │       │   ├── analysis.tdf
 │       │   └── analysis.tdf_bin
 │       └── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_003.d
 │           ├── analysis.tdf
 │           └── analysis.tdf_bin


│ └── 20230209_hsapiens_Sample_099.d │ ├── analysis.tdf │ └── analysis.tdf_bin └── zenotof └── 202304 ├── ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_001.wiff ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_001.wiff2 ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_001.wiff.scan ├── ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_002.wiff ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_002.wiff2 ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_002.wiff.scan ├── ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_003.wiff ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_003.wiff2 └── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_003.wiff.scan


       ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_099.wiff
       ├── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_099.wiff2
       └── 20230402_hsapiens_Sample_099.wiff.scan


Accessing the content of ZIP files. This FUSE filesystem texpands ZIP files like folders







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