Tags: deepscan/atom-deepscan
Prepare 1.5.12 release * Update rule definition (1.39.0) * For the analysis improvements, see this updates: https://deepscan.io/docs/updates/2020-07/
Prepare 1.5.11 release * Update rule definition (1.34.0) * For the analysis improvements, see this updates: https://deepscan.io/docs/updates/2020-02/ * Fix an unexpected HTML escaping for the rule description
Prepare 1.5.10 release * Update rule definition (1.33.0) * For the analysis improvements, see this updates: https://deepscan.io/docs/updates/2020-01/
Prepare 1.5.9 release * Update rule definition (1.32.0) * For the analysis improvements, see this updates: https://deepscan.io/docs/updates/2019-12/ * Strip a trailing slash of the server url