آموزش پایتست به زبون آدمیزاد - Teaching Pytest in Persian
A simple cryptocurrency purchase system :)
Stable telegram bot to save Restricted content with custom thumbnail support.
A scraper script to search for movies and find movie download links from my favorite movie website (avamovie).
Hi there ! this is my instagram project with next.js and tailwindcss And currently it is being updated by me🤞😎
Hi🤞 This is a responsive one page design webpage and in this project I worked with tailwindcss , html and a little java script!
KhodeAmirreza / wtfjs
Forked from denysdovhan/wtfjs🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples (translating to persian,
Vazirmatn is a Persian/Arabic font. وزیرمتن یک فونت فارسی/عربی است
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Automatically reload your browser in development.
A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler with built-in NumPy support
Real-time website implementation with different methods in Django.
Advanced, modern and fast social network built with Django.
A playwright bot which is implemented to scrape linkedin and store advertisement data in a database and telegram channel
آموزش دیزاین پترن به زبون آدمیزاد - Teaching design patterns in Persian
this is Study Buddy project develop with django and class base views
See how to monitor GPU temperature with zabbix on ubuntu.
Websocket with Django and Channels
a simple link shortener with FastAPI
💡 تقلبنامهای برای معادل جاوا اسکریپتی متد های جیکوئری 💡