This repository consists of configuration for vim. I use within my Linux (Mint) and Vim development environment. I use my terminal as my IDE, so there's a lot of tools I depend on.
Although a vimrc is a very personal thing, you may use mine if you like it. To install it simply do following:
git clone
sh ~/vimrc/
When you start using vim for the first time, your habits fight you every inch of the way. Your fingers long for the good old familiar keybindings. VIM offers three modes. Normal mode, Insert mode, and Visual mode. Here's an basic of the most commonly used shortcuts to get you through this pain:
h, j, k, l
Move the cursorw, e
Jump forward to the start, end of a wordb
Jump backward to the start of a wordgg
Go to first line of documentG
Go to last line of documentctrl+u, ctrl+d
Basically Page Up, Page Down
Insert before the cursora
Insert after the cursoro
Append a new line below the current lineEsc
Exit insert mode
Start visual mode, mark linesV
Start linewise visual modeEsc
Exit visual mode
<, >
shift text left, righty
Copy marked textd
Delete marked text
Paste the clipboard after cursorP
Paste the clipboard before cursorx
Delete (cut) character
Save the file:q
Quit the file
- I change the save and quit file with
- I change the window navigation with
- I change the tabs with
- I create the toggle for NERDTree with