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Neovim language support for Spade.

πŸš€ Showcase

Example usage of the plugin

πŸ“• Contents

✨ Features

  • Syntax highlighting (automatically checks for updates if you have internet)
  • Language server support (e.g., code completion, go to definition, hover, error reporting)
  • Jump to swim.toml with :Spade openSwim (#2)
  • Autoformatting with spadefmt (#3)
  • Keybinds (#7)
  • πŸ’€ Lazy loading by default

πŸ“¦ Install


This section assumes a Unix-like operating system.

First, you'll want to grab the Spade LSP (you might need to install Rust):

cargo install --locked --git

You should also have nvim-treesitter.

Then, install the plugin with your preferred package manager.

{ "ethanuppal/spade.nvim" }

You can supply configuration with the optional opts field, as in

    opts = {
        lsp_command = "spade-language-server",

Note that lazy.nvim will automatically call require("spade").setup(opts) for you lazily as well as install the required dependencies. If you want to disable lazy loading, set lazy = false in the plugin spec as well in opts.

Manually install the query files, then add:

use {
    config = function()
    requires = {{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }}

❓ Help

Why isn't the LSP activating? I checked with top (or similar) and don't see the LSP process

Make sure you have a swim.toml somewhere up your tree -- the LSP will activate in that directory.