I am a computational biologist - originally trained as molecular biologist - who started learning data analysis in R in 2017. My current areas of expertise include transcriptomics (bulk and single cell), translatomics, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, genome editing, and stem cell biology. I am particularly passionate about data visualization.
Since early 2021 I started honing my skills as a package developer. So fare I have released seven R packages in the wild:
- 🧠 {coldcuts} - draw and render neuroanatomical segmentations in 2D and 3D
- 🍳 {oveRlay} - annotate 2D scatterplots with overlay polygons
- 🎨 {swatcheR} - generate color swatches from pictures
- 🦜 {alamak} - let Pixel Pals handle your errors
- 🗺️ {borges} - antique cartographic style 2D point clouds (UMAP, tSNE and the like)
- 🧫 {cellula} - pipeline with wrappers to many single cell RNA-seq analysis methods
- 🏢 {HDB} - a geometric test to detect batch effects in single cell RNA-seq
with hopefully more to come.
🛠 I am currently learning three.js, a little bit of Python on the side, and Arduino physical computing as a hobby.