๐ผ YouTube Video
MIT License
Includes all source code and resources.
- Z88DK - The Development Kit for Z80 Computers - Compiler and toolchain
- Lovely Composer - Music Sequencer
- @aburi6800 - MSX Sound Driver and Convertor
- MAME - Emulator
- openMSX - Emulator
- C-BIOS - MSX Open Source BIOS
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or Windows WSL2
- Setup Z88DK
- cmake (
sudo apt install cmake
Set enviroments on ~/.bashrc
# z88dk
export Z88DK_HOME=/home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk
export ZCCCFG=${Z88DK_HOME}/lib/config
export PATH=${Z88DK_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
$ which zcc
$ ls -laF ${ZCCCFG}/msx.cfg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hiromasa hiromasa 1035 9ๆ 1 12:10 /home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk/lib/config/msx.cfg
$ zcc 2>&1 | head -5
zcc - Frontend for the z88dk Cross-C Compiler - v18586-be7c8763a-20210901
Usage: zcc +[target] {options} {files}
-v -verbose Output all commands that are run (-vn suppresses)
-h -help Display this text
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/z88dk.cmake ..
ls -laF ../dist/*.rom
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hiromasa hiromasa 16384 9ๆ 3 18:13 noborunoca.rom
Z88DK MSX build template with sample game