Mjolnir is a rendering engine based on Vulkan API. This repository features a Vulkan binding for C3 language. On the details of how to include this library in your project, see vulkan.c3l
To build example program we need
If you are on Arch Linux you can install them all using
sudo pacman -S c3c glfw vulkan-devel
Alternately you can use Nix to simplify the installation process and keep your system clean. On Mac there is still a need to install Vulkan SDK manually. After install Nix, run the following command to enter development environment
nix develop
First compile GLSL shader to SPIRV if you haven't done so
glslc -c src/mj/material/shaders/pbr.frag -o src/mj/material/shaders/pbr.frag.spv
glslc -c src/mj/material/shaders/pbr.vert -o src/mj/material/shaders/pbr.vert.spv
Simply run c3c run
to run the program.
This is a work in progress. Functions are supposed to break frequently.