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  1. scratch-desktop scratch-desktop Public

    Forked from scratchfoundation/scratch-desktop

    Scratch 3.0 as a self-contained desktop application

    JavaScript 2

  2. careyshop careyshop Public

    Forked from 2733284198/careyshop

    采用前后端分离,支持分布式部署。框架内部使用面向对象模块化调用,在多终端、跨平台时采用 REST API 进行数据交互,可直接对接 PC商城、小程序商城、H5商城,构建 Android、IOS 的 APP。[微信商城 B2C商城 PHP商城系统 微信公众号商城]

    Smarty 1

  3. training training Public

    Forked from 2733284198/training

    Learning Golang one day

    Go 1

  4. chinese-poetry chinese-poetry Public

    Forked from chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry

    The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。

    JavaScript 1

  5. chinese-poetry-mysql chinese-poetry-mysql Public

    Forked from Kooooooma/chinese-poetry-mysql

    基于 chinese-poetry 数据整理的一份 mysql 格式数据

    PHP 1

  6. chinese-poetry-simplified chinese-poetry-simplified Public

    Forked from Provinm/chinese-poetry-simplified

    简体中文版 chinese-poetry

    Python 1


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