29 671 440
Gb memory.- Postgres 16.0
- Spring + MyBatis
- Download "PostgreSQL Dump of IMDB Data" from https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/2QYZBT
- Run docker compose
Test - read all movies into the memory:
http http://localhost:8080/movies/memory
Test - read all movies using a cursor:
http http://localhost:8080/movies/cursor
Fetch size | Response Time | Memory usage |
- | - | OOM |
10_000_000 | 74791 | 2-3.5 GB |
1_000_000 | 74270 | 400-770 MB |
100_000 | 78212 | 150-300 MB |
10_000 | 88150 | 100-160 MB |
1_000 | 110745 | 60-130 MB |
According to the fit graph, sweet spot is somewhere between 10^4
and 10^5