My name is Isabell. I am from Germany and currently studying Master Computer Science at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Creating software is my passion and seeing how many new things I learn with each project keeps me motivated.
In 2020 I started developing applications together with Steven Solleder and we founded the "TeamGruenbaum" Organization here on GitHub. Besides, I also like doing projects on my own.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions for me.
- CharactersWiki-Backend - RESTful web service written in Java using Spring Boot that allows authors and fans to manage detailed character profiles, including relationships, allegiances, quotes, weapons, origins, locations, and securely uploaded images, serving as a comprehensive tool for storytelling and creative projects
- LockScreenMessage - Lets you show any message you like permanently on your lock screen. It can be especially useful for showing contact information in case the device gets lost
- PlanetsOfOurSolarSystem - Interactive infographic that lets you experience and compare the different sizes and distances of the planets of our solar system
- ChancellorsOfGermany - Interactive infographic that visualizes the chancellors of germany with the help of a timeline
- ThePotentialOfGraphQLAsAnAlternativeToREST - This scientific paper compares REST and GraphQL based on various criteria such as interface definition, query and response capabilities, performance and development effort and examines their suitability for different use cases in API implementation
- ImpactOfStreamingPlatformsOnSociety - Scientific paper that deals with the impact of digitalization on video and audio consumption as well as gaming, focusing on streaming platforms and their positive and negative influence on society
- UniFlitzer - RESTful web service written in Kotlin using Spring Boot that enables users to offer, join or request rides and communicate with each other. It also promotes the formation of long-term carpools. Verification through university e-mail and the provision of detailed information about drivers and passengers, ensures a safe, student-only community
- RESTfulFrameworksComparison β Implementation of a specification for a fictitious RESTful web service in different languages and frameworks
- LearnEasy β Learning application for schools with a special focus on accessibility, platform independence and data protection. The project consists of a scientific paper, a RESTful web service written in Java using Spring Boot and a Progressive Web App developed with TypeScript and Vue.js
- RealtimeGermanTrafficSignRecognition - Python backend using ORB or YOLO for real-time traffic sign detection, an Android app using the backend for live camera highlighting and a German-language scientific paper on the theory and implementation
- RohTayteTheTimelessSpace - 3D single-player game, where players control a fox named Roh Tayte navigating themed worlds with area-specific abilities for manipulating time and space that help them to master puzzles and skill passages
- Navigether - Conceptual app that makes it possible to get along better in public transport
- ShoppingListGenerator_SwiftUI (based on the idea of our Desktop App ShoppingListGenerator) - Simplifies creating shopping lists ordered by store and shelf based on selected ingredients and dishes. Apart from this, it serves as a cookbook by storing dishes together with their recipes and ingredients
- SimpleDo - Note down tasks or appointments, sort them by any criterion you like and set a reminder
- RingerModeNotification - Constantly informs you about your device's current ringer mode via permanent notification
- ShoppingListGenerator_Swing - Lets you select the dishes you want to buy ingredients for and also additional ingredients before it generates your individual shopping list sorted by stores and shelfes
- HofUniversityManager - Manage everyday student life at Hof University and access various services such as mensa or timetables
- BachelorThesis β The collaborative bachelor thesis of Steven Solleder and me which compares the advantages and disadvantages of different languages and frameworks for implementing RESTful webservices in German